xiaozhenxian, 谢谢, 我已经email给你.2 \! ~2 X' N9 g3 E% R
8 t$ |& d5 a! Z著名的sunshine先生/女士, 结婚只是表示两人愿意成为一种世人所承认的正式关系, 这跟寻求心灵归属是两回事. 3 t2 ?7 K& Q" ]; J* d
4 W: @$ U- u7 b; \9 V正因为我朋友中不信教的那方不想为了结婚而信教(那样信教才是"surface"), 才在此求助, 她的男友也不是那种极端教徒, 他不会把自己的看法强加到别人头上. 如果哪天女方能真正"inner heart's turning to God", 她会自己加入的.* k+ u' y. E& N
+ ] `7 m+ A; I# g( ~. I8 ~+ e
总之结婚是个仪式, 如果能受到教堂的祝福最好(因为毕竟有一方是信教的). % b+ X! T$ U" y' f" g0 y
+ s4 |, z& _5 Q( \9 J
Post by sunshine 0 b- h8 Z$ d& p3 Z+ P/ n9 I6 A
A few months ago, somebody anwsered this question.& ?) e4 \+ E& j! c: d7 w# _
! f- f2 b1 x' Q7 DBut I wonder why your friend seeks for surface stuff not inner heart's turning to God. I mean, in the situation that one of the two is not a believer, the true believer should try his/her best to help the other come back from perishing.; f6 ^5 R; g: [
5 E" e8 e" _7 k. n& u- uWhat is the good if he/she get a surface ceremony, not a true love from a heart who loves the Lord? One heart is still hard with sinful characteristics. The marriage will not be fully blessed.
3 S! H" G% `9 z4 t6 `' b# g$ V * B) R N4 s$ p9 `7 T
福 音 John
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