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[商业招聘] 凯信(Canscene) 就业服务 招聘信息发布 (随时更新)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 12:08 | 只看该作者

西人公司招CNC 操作员/MACHINIST $14-15/h 起 无中介费

西人公司需要CNC 机器操作员
0 ^+ ^* Y. U5 C8 K/ X1 b( w加工金属部件
( [5 G# ]; J( d# m( d希望有经验 或本地相关培训5 W8 f( Q7 ~6 d, D
" V% z' a  M- M5 x, p工资视经验而定
+ g* R9 t2 m1 R& e6 i' w" e. O工作时间:
7 `& E; b: A6 I3 T) ?& Y) ^11:30PM-7:00AM
8 `& a; i% c$ I3 r2 d3 ?- s有兴趣请* Q5 ^+ j0 ~- N8 ?
发送简历到凯信 counselor@canscene.com 注明工作编号
/ A+ C% A2 R* a
# s9 v& S, m5 R/ m: q6 i另招 PAINTER一名和 MASTERCAM编程人员两名
( q( M$ E: z" O4 j+ D0 N ( V: W  H3 |/ U
详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 11:14 | 只看该作者

西人工厂招Class 1 司机1名,起薪15/小时

西人工厂招Class 1 司机1名,起薪15/小时,每周工作40小时,长期职位,负责MONTREAL周边送货(100公里内)。要求英语流利,会基本法语,有Class 1驾照。
' {$ s$ Z0 D9 D; A
/ J  a& E& e6 ^0 C8 J有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-9418
. J3 t+ I: D8 U+ c  K详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 10:43 | 只看该作者

西人家具公司 包装工 普通简单工作

上班时间7 d$ w* m% X! x+ H: G$ D

1 `9 ?" Y: x! x( r% y7:30am-4pm,$8.5/h,支票工
. J9 X) R# O; w: l  _: M ) D+ y* }! H0 V" S, |8 u
9 E& |/ `9 t. X" S' w- S) ?/ b* h& k2 O" e+ @
有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-9418
# Y- g0 j4 o) n' A: s详情参见 www.canscene.com<!-- / message -->
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 09:19 | 只看该作者

西人鞋厂普通工人, $9/hr.

- u' z; c% L* k7 Y: L. Q * ^6 \2 |5 Y/ z1 N) W+ A+ p
有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-9418
2 x2 D$ ~7 x( u* q3 H6 S/ [8 v/ }3 Y详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-21 17:22 | 只看该作者

2天 临时工作 西人 饼干厂 无中介费 可现金支付

8月22日 ,23日 某西人饼干厂需要一名女工做两天普通工作 8 |" J0 Z* a/ W( D
上班时间 早10点半到晚上7点% ?9 R* h" W5 x' c. I

6 W4 j; c9 Y% y% q: g8 y, Z工资 8.5/小时 可以现金支付  n$ |; z1 Z' K7 E& ~& w! h
. z' h0 y( m! }2 ~1 i" r
有兴趣者尽快联系 凯信 ANDREW 514-835-2393/ y/ O! A# z( \$ ^/ T0 t2 B+ S

; O! A$ j+ i% b
6 [, A% Z! f; F, { # n7 [# V) {3 N
已找到人 多谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-18 10:14 | 只看该作者


西人工厂招普通工人,金属热处理操作工的助手,工作内容很简单,白晚班轮换(8am-8pm / 8pm-8am),工厂交通便利。要求男性,能法语交流,可长期工作者优先。有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-94184 v0 I( m) C- E8 r6 F
详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-16 13:06 | 只看该作者


Samuelex International Inc. is a fast growth company which imports and distributes the Professional products of tobacco pipes, pipe accessories, cigar accessories, cigarette accessories, lighters, cigar humidors and so on to retailers directly. We import and OEM produce some of our products from Italy, England, Japan, USA and China directly via our own another companies: 3J SHOPPING CANADA CORP. AND 3J AMERICAN CORP. Meanwhile, we are also the sole distributors for some of product lines of world class brands.$ N. ?# d% M" X6 M: n7 L5 v- z, J  l
; X/ f4 f) q. D4 ^# ^9 O
In order to enlarge our market cross the country, we are looking for experienced sales reps as follows, to present our product lines, to provide services after sale in person and to manage our clients. ; M  }( n! ~4 H! P& n
, k0 J; H" {/ k5 H- J8 X
Please visit our website at www.samuelex.com to understand our business and history.
; p9 q! W' z/ g/ A+ f1 y
7 `& c( _9 n! p: KLocation: Ottawa (include Kingston and Cornwall): 1 sales rep;
: i+ D6 A2 A% Q9 _2 M             Toronto and surround area: 2 sales reps;6 o0 n/ }2 H9 J& o$ a
             Southwest area of Ontario: 1 sales rep;
. n: I/ {  J: z1 t' z# t  X0 U! m             Quebec City and surround area: 1 sales rep( X9 u6 Z" w2 Y2 T( a  A
             Montreal and surround area: 2 sales reps
9 Z% K5 |2 m$ Y% ?# v             Vancouver and surround area: 2 sales reps
! O* O. _' C+ r7 x! t             Edmonton and Calgary: 1 sales rep
8 |3 n6 r/ l! w% W( _5 p8 r3 D) Q+ h& W  f. R6 Q* O
Salary/Wage: from 10% to 15% Commission based on selling quantities.$ [" h8 \1 ^  _' }' T5 G+ g
0 ^% [0 E5 I& I5 D
Status: Full-time, Permanent! V+ W! @( \- c

& R+ \8 |6 l# i4 R" i! X9 H* zRequirements: Over 2 year’s experiences of sales and marketing in the local area will be considered. The sales reps with experiences related on tobacco and our field will have priority. & N$ d. y4 U  F! b- n( b
+ L* J4 q) o! m
Language: English, in Quebec province, sales reps should speak both in English and in French.
; L  s) e, [3 b. ^3 k
8 p- K$ I$ ^- s% q3 m4 mConditions provided: Catalogue, price list, order form, business card and client lists., s. {0 I* J! k: C
2 u7 G+ i1 Y2 a1 v0 h4 b
NOTE: After receiving your resume via email, we will contact with you in 3 days.8 O4 u& ^  m$ Y- o

- \% `; [2 a5 K; J5 D# s
5 ]2 J* q% ~% j; e0 o$ PSend your CV to ssl11728@yahoo.ca OR info@samuelex.com,
2 k- z6 P& V- q9 n" d) k: U5 ^attn: Mr. Samuel S. LI + m, w  ?2 q0 M. S6 F

: {) Q! }% E2 c. U" M6 F( o2 t& h3 d- [8 ]6 o0 s+ h7 d- ]
URL: www.samuelex.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-14 16:21 | 只看该作者


  ~7 D% [2 t  O
; _2 D; b* H4 H有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-94189 T2 ]7 h$ v7 ?) h  d+ X$ \" F
详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-11 10:23 | 只看该作者


- |- ^8 N! [9 |; c; }7 O ) @" {5 }( D+ D: a( S
有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-9418! d' \5 y1 |! `; q& x( R4 o
详情参见 www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-8 10:14 | 只看该作者

西人电子厂招普通男工2名, $9/hr

西人电子厂招普通男工2名,$9/hr,工作时间7:45am-4:15pm. 电缆简单切割和装配等,要求动手能力强,有相关工作经验,会使用小电钻等工具。 . C( ]% N. L! k7 n
有意者请联系 Canscene 514-836-9418
3 H: s* C2 O4 P/ h详情参见 www.canscene.com
5 ^$ B# N" ]" X非凯信会员请本人先携带SIN卡及照片一张 到凯信公司免费登记注册
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