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[商业招聘] 凯信(Canscene) 就业服务 招聘信息发布 (随时更新)

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-21 11:46 | 只看该作者
西人工厂普通工人3人" S% J# L% g3 M6 _" l  }

3 X3 j( b, e/ o% i' H% U2 n# |西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.( j+ s& ]0 A3 V1 s0 x" h5 c( N$ E
1 r8 I) l) c" Z% b% f- |1 T
工厂地点在St-Laurent区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:30am-5:00pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  长期职位, 有加薪机会. " {1 z3 M0 f4 p
' r/ e6 J9 `& s. `
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880 分机 201& C# A, c# q  d! @4 v
详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-18 14:48 | 只看该作者
西人食品工厂包装工人2人4 b" G, w1 ^4 u7 X5 ?* Q

) \1 v. e' O$ S- z6 ~/ S西人食品工厂流水线工作, 车间工作温度为5摄氏度, 厂方提供培训. 负责熟食产品的装袋,秤重,贴标签等. 要求注意卫生, 耐心手巧, 动作快, 英语或法语可交流.2 h- ~9 y9 T9 I$ F

5 z; R9 L' {( @8 p+ j工厂地点在 Lasalle 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 6:45am-3:15pm. 试用期起薪$10.95/小时,  长期职位, 有加薪机会.
2 W% J& S: l1 ^
/ @) p7 T( b# r# l0 u有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880
, o$ O" J  K1 l! O; |% P/ r) ^1 W! k/ n" n/ l; o- E
详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-8 16:11 | 只看该作者
西人工厂普通工人1人1 P! [8 o6 \0 V8 A

, {9 x$ g# {( }* J- J西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.) u. ^' Q9 z) A- K' F5 ^
0 b: O/ v6 ^+ X1 O) \5 R
工厂地点在 东部 Anjou 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:00am-4:30pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  工作满3个月后加薪至$11.15/小时. . t  ^# o+ E9 |
( B, g1 Q: M) k8 [( ~( _+ H
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880
2 k2 S, _) s. c1 O* Q( x详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-4 21:48 | 只看该作者
Chartered Accountants9 E8 {) A/ s9 Y7 E) q9 V) h& m

" J  T; L" B$ p- G5 z! qPermanent
5 J% F$ A& B+ y$ \; M3 r4 S" G4 D
: B( U% x0 y$ C4 r& H+ PCanscene's client is hiring two experienced Chartered Accountants.
% P2 P" u* H2 K2 m) n- e; i
/ k" }3 ^$ ~+ ]$ u$ a6 vOur client is conveniently located in the Montreal area. The starting rate of pay is based on experience. The typical working hours are 9am until 5pm, Monday through Friday.
$ @; E+ L  C; j5 b4 k" }& m, r6 O0 [. |
3 V4 I0 `) Q/ A& Z+ e0 D0 @Duties and Responsibilities:
/ g7 }' s5 l; N3 G' p* t, ^4 o7 i5 ?4 C- Prepare and review corporate working paper files (review & audit engagements) in a wide variety of industries including the preparation of financial statements;
0 ~. K# c. p/ t; x' g- Analyze key variances and monitor progress of action plans to improve results and strategically operate the business, and providing professional opinions in regards to the fiscal decisions of the firm;
0 V9 X/ @1 O  I8 N# \0 `3 A- Identify and evaluate business opportunities consistent with the existing beliefs of the firm;; A$ G1 b) h5 a/ y) }
- Effectively manage client relationships.
' a) `7 q) A# X4 ^. K/ E# h9 n3 r$ W& D+ x  i3 d5 E5 {
( T3 Z9 j/ J8 i4 Z* O* d- Must have their Chartered Professional Designation with a minimum of 3 years’ experience. + }# n# S3 A3 R- c& e/ l
- Strong technical and analytical skills in areas of accounting, tax, audit and general business;/ S/ s6 j* `1 h- S1 t/ X
- Strong knowledge of internal controls;, Q. ?5 D5 W9 l) c- W
- Possess initiative, integrity and a strong work ethic
+ v; B5 C" Q9 X8 q- Attention to detail, accuracy is important
1 {# ^* M7 V/ n# S. @2 Y* [" B6 f4 p- Excellent communications skills with the ability to work well with clients and motivate/develop staff;) [' Y) e! G8 Y% [: \: c+ |' s
- Be able to develop client relationships and have a desire to contribute to the overall improvement of client companies.3 q% s. K( K. n( i" `1 W) E

2 T, _% b9 u+ H9 }" U9 FIf you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume and cover letter to: info@canscene.com with your salary requirements.7 v1 E. O4 `4 W& m$ N
  v. l5 w, z  K7 K4 a7 t, y7 m
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-22 12:48 | 只看该作者
2 _8 E" w3 d! P
' n, W3 l  x& C, n4 }5 n西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.
9 h  c2 V% V) a9 x. s8 \6 Q3 M2 @6 x8 ?& O
工厂地点在 东部 Anjou 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:00am-4:30pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  工作满3个月后加薪至$11.15/小时.
/ M2 D7 a8 p" w9 J( t/ w; D. o7 i, p% W) o2 Q4 ?% V
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880
- y0 T3 R. |. D6 A+ V! U详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-20 10:44 | 只看该作者
西人食品工厂包装工人2人& X/ S* J. K6 m' g& a0 u( [3 r- O
' F( h% l6 ]0 }1 e" }& r% z6 V* D0 W. o
西人食品工厂流水线工作, 车间工作温度为5摄氏度, 厂方提供培训. 负责熟食产品的装袋,秤重,贴标签等. 要求注意卫生, 耐心手巧, 动作快, 英语或法语可交流.- y( f5 W; n& Y5 c
! }7 O4 o4 C- [; J4 V) p" j5 L+ g
工厂地点在 Lasalle 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 6:45am-3:15pm. 试用期起薪$10.95/小时,  长期职位, 有加薪机会. 8 m* d8 p, M# Y2 D  j6 K" f) ?
9 n0 f: |* Q2 s% Q1 C/ P
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880; R7 W- a$ C$ k3 e' i( ?
* P+ A+ b& M; N
详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-16 10:58 | 只看该作者
+ |% @( S5 r9 |7 E! g# e* j; ~/ g* L6 e  N  X: a/ t( }+ _
西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.) u: p: a: Y6 H% |- d! o8 {
" |8 T1 m1 u0 u
工厂地点在 东部 Anjou 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:00am-4:30pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  工作满3个月后加薪至$11.15/小时. / P* n  ^; d5 O1 x
6 i+ D& r+ K4 s1 ?! h
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880- E0 J( s, s' ]6 j/ w
详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 17:00 | 只看该作者
CNC programmer/operator % W) E  d/ F! i7 W2 Y

! m2 b: ~( r. J1 q. yThe qualified operator will set-up and operate CNC machine and inspect parts within tight tolerances as per work orders; perform preventative maintenance./ W6 u+ q; g$ C0 K
/ S2 |# K  f' }$ m  B
Required Skills:
9 S9 m6 ]* O9 l% m-Able to read manufacturing paperwork/instructions9 `/ O  m! }4 C9 ^
-Able to read manufacturing drawings/blueprints3 _2 ~4 U2 }. F8 ]5 E4 o1 O
-Able to use MasterCam program to set up and operate CNC/manual equipment and tooling.+ R) m7 u% `$ m" _
-Inspection of parts (inspection techniques, interpretation of tolerances, gages)
) n% w, I( U0 F/ ]% E0 N0 o* M-Excellent communication skills, including French.; V4 ~! z2 A  `% l& e: |/ C
-Ability to work with minimum supervision
7 A/ j' y/ H" X6 I, a6 L4 o# Y% |$ O; r
This is an exciting permanent opportunity with a well-established company.The Salary is started from 17$ to 25$ per hour, according to experiences and qualifications. And the company offers competitive salary and group insurance after 3 months.
) w# z7 F0 n# G+ P# K
$ a  b' M3 e! a6 J- aThe company is located in Granby area. The working hours are as follows: Monday to Thursday from 7 am to 15: 45 pm and Friday from 7 am to noon.
, i& s2 C7 l2 H  U3 T+ [$ }7 t  n2 [( q! M' W+ D, H$ f5 q6 w
Please email detailed resume including salary expectations to info@canscene.com or fax 514-798-1738.
0 J% Q  w1 X. Y+ x& a& I- R; u+ o4 ~& M+ W) n
We appreciate all responses however only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 09:12 | 只看该作者
% L( \. J! j: k4 Z
# ]1 }( l! N1 i) a# d2 ]西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.
/ h1 M8 s( [2 E5 U: j  p5 {( C1 p1 ^
工厂地点在 东部 Anjou 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:00am-4:30pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  工作满3个月后加薪至$11.15/小时.
! I6 H7 `1 J+ f3 v6 N$ @. S5 c7 I! E8 c' w5 A! n$ M% {8 V
有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-88805 a) C8 T  Z2 x% Q' S
详情请见: www.canscene.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-9 15:16 | 只看该作者
西人工厂普通工人2人# }$ z8 d- i  q  L! ~  ?
0 {- Y  Q* Y$ T" f+ ?
西人工厂流水线工作. 负责产品的包装, 装箱以及摆放等. 要求注意卫生, 身体素质较好, 英语或法语可交流.
$ `: L' J4 l$ D8 L# B# e" E3 o; f- `3 Z9 ~8 U6 P  S- P2 N) ]) |
工厂地点在 东部 Anjou 区, 工作时间为: 周一到周五, 7:00am-4:30pm. 起薪$10.90/小时,  工作满3个月后加薪至$11.15/小时.
; ?- J( S+ \, {) \4 F  z" q2 S
# X9 w% z2 o. W0 S6 m* S有意者请联系: 凯信 514-925-8880
6 M. X. |9 Y, J% F详情请见: www.canscene.com
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