frenchhelp, 刚想写一段鲜为人知的关于你娘怀你的事作为回复, 却发现...你是女生?? 那幸好没写, 不然你一个小女生会受不了地... 互相骂过, 扯平了. 叫我"三十大哥"? OK, forget the misunderstanding, you know, internet is like somewhere simply for fun among those unknowns...and...wanna learn English? The first step you're suggested to take is to forget the stupid 2B, since it can teach you nothing but to tell its own experience of how to become a qualified "2B...", hahahehe... 我的四个学位之一就是English Literature, 给你两点建议, 首先永远不要嘲笑别人的英语,学习永无止境, 除非正式写文章应付考试, 一切都以实用为主,达意即可. 咬文嚼字,专挑别人单复数这种"2B..."型最为可恨, 吐"它"脸上才痛快,哈呵呵...另外尽量不要依赖中国人去学英语, 你想美国人到了北京之后会对身边的中国人不理不睬,而继续向同来的美国同伴学习汉语吗? 真正地道的英语不可能从你身边的中国人中学到,我有几个要好的外国朋友,人很好, 常去电影酒吧之类的, 你有兴趣我会介绍你认识她(他)们, 英语,法语,西班牙语...interested?? ...
楼主, thanx for your patience and sincerely, good luck to your gf hunting... btw....good night to those watchers...funny, huh?...hehehe... |