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发表于 2002-4-23 17:59 | 只看该作者
最便宜又最讨好的礼物是食物. 什麽时候家里最包子,饺子,粽子之类有中国特色的食品时, 找个一次性的盘子, 摆上几个, 盖上保鲜纸, 漂漂亮亮地拿给JANITOR. 比买来的东西更显心意.
5 w7 F+ R  q" C) R; @5 @
* {* G" E# G8 T) U. z当然你要是会做寿司, 点心之类非中国的东西,照样可以送. 我们这个楼邻居之间都送来送去的.
" v* R% T  t. V- k$ J+ E4 d6 C3 \8 S, _+ @- B  W+ I, d0 T
但是注意要告诉人家你用了什麽原料做, 堤防人家有过敏症或食物上的忌讳.
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发表于 2002-5-26 10:01 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-5-27 00:29 | 只看该作者
French is French.) N% i4 n% R6 s1 E; f3 D
0 Y' G; V( {& `4 i
You are in a French Pronvice.
& O; W7 Z( \) E; m1 k- ~7 P& J0 j* C# X; O5 P
Dose Frence take money from Taiwan???????
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发表于 2002-5-28 00:34 | 只看该作者
Why do so many people agrre on 给APRTMENT管理员送礼物? For what purpose?
" j" b) t, N* M% R3 S5 b* _It is really a bad logic and habit in Chinese for making a good relationship.$ s% ?( {# K& @" y
Your apt. is protected by your contract, not by APRTMENT管理员.
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发表于 2002-5-28 18:36 | 只看该作者
to 7852:  
3 ]7 \" V- p2 x. ]7 \) n6 I$ f1 ~+ N8 b% u  x$ J3 I
do not relate everything to china.
! s  J  d1 P2 g$ Yare you a refugee?
2 w0 |8 l7 }$ g6 U" d) F( p
; u- I; ]  e5 e9 Mto give tip is a tradition here;
! h+ Q$ ~! s4 n3 K3 q; Y9 }* C9 r2 Xthere is nothing relating bribe or corruption.6 Z7 e$ F) x$ l8 C
3 B' Q2 z% J, i/ _0 ^
if you give tip to a taxi driver,
# W7 W, q* Q% ?9 \% Cdoes that mean you bribe him?  T8 z( N# e3 J$ t+ ~
6 f4 {  G) Z/ u& J" u/ v' e. B* L+ X
why are you, guys, linking everything thing to the black point of their motherland. : S0 T* u& D4 Y
1 \8 M: o- _1 I
if one who does not love his motherland,% h" t8 }7 R0 `
who does not deserve any love in this world.& C5 r4 l' c  f5 x/ W0 |3 a: I
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