最后总想说些什么,关于“老人”。缘由自一位远在阿根廷的好朋友,前些日子他去了一个十分偏僻的小村庄, 在一对老夫妇家住了2个星期。没有 电视, 广播,互联网,每日跟着老夫妇在农场转悠,闲话家常。他,一个习惯在Pub里挥霍夜晚的人,居然静悄悄地锁了自己这么久。他感慨老人的智慧,经历和经历后的豁达让他改变了很多。他说 It is called “Simple”.
一个朋友曾经说, the question is not "Do I love him/ her?"; the question is "Do I want to love him/ her?"
想一下, 挺有道理, 你是否抓住了爱情的主动权呢? :cool:
when love comes, there is no quetsion, no hesitation, 100% absolute surrender.
i am asking you, are you ready, are you ready to give up yourself for love? lose all controls, all judgement, all values?
it could be fun.