kk , W& b) y: p, y, w 你乘绿线地铁到Langelier站下,然后坐33路公共汽车往北(33 Nord ),在与Pie IX 路交叉前一站下,这就是Carrefour Langelier,自然药店名叫Nutrifort。你从Wal-Mark店和中餐馆之间的门(7373)进去右边第4家便是。祝你好运!
Hi, inspiron, I know a nutrition product which could make your body beauty when you eat. it is not medicine. it is from united states. but we can buy them in the shop in montreal. if you are interest, please mail to me: rena_lin@hotmail.com
各位想纤体的MM们,大家好!曾几何时我也象大家一样为此而烦恼。后经朋友介绍,我开始吃一种叫Appeal的营养代餐,效果很好。Appeal 是北美产品,在 Montreal 有发货中心。它不仅可以用来瘦身,还为人体提供每天所必须的营养元素。并且,它不须要我减少睡眠或强行控制进食,所以我觉得很好。当然,每天适量的运动配合也是需要的,比如散步或仰卧起坐。我突然想到,为什么我们不成立一个纤体俱乐部呢?! 这样,我们可以一起交流咨询和心得,互相鼓励,坚持作运动。大家觉得如何?若有兴趣的,请将你的电话e-mail to hellokiki@address.com, 我们就能联系了。 愿健康伴随着我们。
I dont think it is difficult to keep your body fit. when you chose a scientific nutrition product and take a little execise, you would be happy in your life.