收到RL08, A是$1720, receipt背面有这样一段:
Le montant pour etudes postsecondaires a temps plein (case A) est fixe en function du nombre de sessions que l’eleve a commences dans l’annee et qu’il a terminees.
Ce montant est plutot accorde a la peronne qui a la charge de l’eleve (generalement son pere ou sa mere). Cette personne doit reporter le montant de la case A a la ligne 18 de l’annexe a et joindre le releve 8 a sa declaration de revenues.
Le releve 8 n’est valide que s’il est deliver par un etablissement d’enseignement. 是什麽意思?如何填啊? Thanks a lot!
The amount for full time post-secondary studies (all the studies after high school) (case A) is fixed in function of the number of sessions that the student has started and completed in the year. This amount is grants to the person who take care of the student (generaly his father or his mother). This person must put back the amount of case A to the line 18 of the annex A and has to join the statement 8 to his income declaration. The statement 8 is valid only if it is deliver by the school.