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请教关于bell的net charge问题

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发表于 2002-6-26 09:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这回仔细看了看bell帐单,上面有一项是net charge,共$1.25,这是个什么费用?我没用它的长话,也没用它的网,为什么会有这个费用?我往前查了一下,从去年十二月起就有了,我应该让bell取消这项费用吗?谢谢.
发表于 2002-6-26 10:00 | 只看该作者
That is because u used bell long distance b4, and u did not inform them when u changed to other long distance services, so just call them to cancel this fee from next month......good luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-6-27 13:20 | 只看该作者
谢谢下面的朋友。我开户时只是申请basic服务,没有b4这一项啊,没有要求过任何长话服务。我会让它取消的,但以前的钱估计它是不会退的了。上个月bell还给我加了一项First Rate的费用,$4.95,我让它取消,它这个月已取消了,但上个月这个费用它还是要收我的,这个bell怎么是这样来诈钱的,一年的利润可就不知增加多少呢。请各位朋友小心。
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发表于 2002-6-27 14:24 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-6-27 21:39 | 只看该作者
I have the same feeling about Bell. The service is too bad dur to the monopoly.   % h6 d/ k- A, w1 E2 H- Z
Last month I inform them to cancel that "first Rate" I never applied, even I didn't applied for long distance service, but on this month bill I found there is new "net charge"  ((
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发表于 2002-6-27 21:41 | 只看该作者
I heard we can complain Bell at www.CRTC.ca by sending email.
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发表于 2002-6-29 09:19 | 只看该作者
To katharine:; j  N/ p  N& p. n& \# a- Y7 M4 r
7 C9 N+ |0 b4 x6 q9 ^9 D/ r
So be careful about the "default package" when u apply for certain services like telephone, cable, internet etc.....those charges will appear on ur bill unless u ask them to remove....
! N9 U1 q4 W/ {+ Q. a* [. F# {9 b, N1 u0 I* g
confusing "before" as "b4" ...there is no item "b4" on bell's bill....
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