If you operate a radio that has been approved exclusively under the rules that apply to FRS, you are not required to have a license. FRS radios have a maximum power of ½ watt (500 milliwatt) effective radiated power and integral (non-detachable) antennas. If you operate a radio under the rules that apply to GMRS, you must have a GMRS license. GMRS radios generally transmit at higher power levels (1 to 5 watts is typical) and may have detachable antennas.
Post by lpokm
夏天到了,想买一副对讲机便于开车旅游时车与车之间联系。只知道3.2km(0.5w)的对讲机不需LICENCE,但不知道8km, 10km的要不要LICENCE. 问了RADIOSHARK的店员,他说不用,但又听说大于0.5W的都要申请LICENCE。 请知道的朋友解答一下。