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发表于 2001-9-5 12:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
6 D* \5 J; E# L' I: o, [
# P) f- D; c; {/ a# g我现在真不知该怎么办才好,不知哪位对这类事件熟悉的仁兄能指教一下,我该怎么办,该找哪个部门才能解决这件事,我的车还能退吗?
发表于 2001-9-5 12:44 | 只看该作者
4 l& Z$ v- F5 H0 j/ v* a$ x' ^/ t) t; `3 E4 @' f$ T/ N
根据我个人的理解,你这种情况,可能不在“消费者权益保护法”保护之列,因为不是消费者与商家之间的纠纷,而是个人之间的纠纷。如果想通过法律手段解决应该到小额法庭。这个不用请律师,好象是诉讼费为$75元。深入的法律咨询可以参考: <a target="_self" href=https://www.sinoquebec.com/FaLv/CPA-1.htm>网际说法</a> 中介绍的免费法律援助。
6 R$ ]! i- V8 g  n. y
6 @( ^# n7 Y) t+ p" V$ d9 W祝你好运!6 o8 d" x6 m7 v- K, J5 i# `; z1 ?& V: j

/ E. @; j) G0 B4 ^5 K8 H8 \P.S. 希望大家注意,从意大利人手上买车一定要小心,这里有不少意大利人开汽车翻新厂的,有新移民朋友从他们手里买车上过当。
WWW=Web Will Win
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-9-5 13:02 | 只看该作者
MTL160,谢谢你的回复,刚才写的时候忘说了,其实车并不是他的,后来我去查车的事故记录时,那里的人告诉我,这车是DEALER 的。我不知道这还算不算个人交易,如果官司的话,有没有胜算的可能?是不是时间会拖很久?
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-9-5 14:20 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-9-5 14:41 | 只看该作者
sounds like you are in deep shit. if you didn't spend too much money, just forget about it. its not worth taking legal actions for small amount.8 C# P8 `. N5 F! a' H( Y
next time when you buy a car, you should always check the car in a third party garage before you make any decisions.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-9-11 14:35 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-11-20 22:54 | 只看该作者
前几位已经提醒大家买二手车小心, 为避免被骗, 现转发销协关于从dealer买车的注意事项,希望对大家有帮助。
& ?% Z, x; d- J( M* n% |% U  y. p4 h% S+ a0 R" p0 ^
1.Know what you are buying: read the sticker) m2 N2 G$ n" E' L! E. j8 E

3 x# W* a6 M8 t/ x8 mThe CPA(required autombile dealers to post a sticker. This sticker must include all the information needed to make a wise choice, namely:
6 i5 \/ f, k) M+ V.the selling price for automobile8 w6 z6 v2 w6 N1 K
.a complete description:year,serial number,make,model,engine size6 Z: O5 Q5 i' ~6 b
.the number of miles or kilmeteres registered on the odometer, and the number of miles or kilometres actually travelled by the automobile, if different from that indicated on the odometer...
5 H# e* V# h5 a. M/ S% T, Z1 H/ e4 _9 P: i
2 Read the contract
4 T( ~6 S) |- b4 Q- ]6 {7 @
& M# D& j6 f! N  s1 p, VThe contract of sale for a used automobile must be in writing and include the folling information:
7 y0 ~3 _9 l: k$ w. U) U9 [: |) a- c0 U( U
.the number of the dealer's licence, issued by the Societe de I'assurance automobile du Quebec
+ ]' y! @6 M3 N.the place and date the contract was signed
" C* e$ ~+ \: i, s- M7 a.your name and address and that of the dealer
; B2 M* N- i1 B1 L5 A# a( m.the cost of the automobile
* v; z& e- N8 F, ]# j.the sales tax applicable5 Q5 E7 H) T! C3 R$ r* G- ]
.the total amount the consumeer is required pay
4 k6 F. e0 f$ e  ~) M.the terms of the warranty
. y% ~' e  `" v6 k: Q  y  ^( f/ n" W- S, j2 C6 |+ r
The sticker must be attched to the contract.All the information on the sticker automatically forms part of the contract ,except the price and the terms of certain warranties, which may be negotiated.$ u3 a* Y: j( {: B
& V+ S5 f% q2 o6 g. r  s0 H
In those cases where the dealer is not obliged to issue a mechanical inspection certificate, you can request, at you own expense, an inspection by an independent mechanic before the transaction is completed.3 b4 p) _$ O, d+ O7 x

5 d3 D0 Q# S9 m+ d8 W- i      If the dealer refuses,don't buy the vehicle!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-12-4 17:22 | 只看该作者
几位说的对.一定要提防犹太人,在任何时候任何事情都要提防.最好不要和犹太人打交道.买车时,可以查该车的历史记录.须花一些钱.        每个民族都有缺点.尤其是犹太人.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-12-5 22:56 | 只看该作者
To frame:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2001-12-5 22:58 | 只看该作者
To frame:
8 v& Q) ?  |& y& M1 V6 U
' ^$ P: V( ?$ k/ P& r. p    Could you please tell me where I can find those information?
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