我也有同样困扰。可是今天去 Montreal General Hospital 预约 B 超,没想到要等到4个月之后! :confused: 我很担心,这不会耽误病情么?本来医生告诉我大约等2个礼拜就可知道结果。没想到,B超室的人安排到4个月之后, 不知是何原因?有谁知道,如何可以尽快预约检查? 谢谢各位姐姐妹妹回答。
As I know, there is a Chinese doctor called Dr. Lau working in Victory, general and Guish hospital. She can speak Cantonese.
Tel: 9341934 ext. 35332 (victory) 44289 (General)
3408222 ext. 3114 (Jewish)
To speed up the process, I suggest you contact and push your doctor as frequently as possible. ;)