hi! There are many factors affecting pregancy. Either male or female has some prolblems. Basically both of you should consult a fertility specialist who will check both of you. If both of you are normal medically, you still have a chance of becoming infertility. the older, the easier you are to get infertility. in this case, you may follow some relaxing techniques and better nutrition, etc as suggested by bp. Also you can try Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbs, etc. On the other hand, you can't get pregnant 2 years after you try everything, you can ask your doctor to refer you to a private fertiility clinic. There are two kinds of treatment, simply say, one is that doctor injects medication to produce more eggs in order to increase more chances, this is cheaper, it may cost $600-3000. More expensive one is in vitro fertilization. it costs about $7000-10000 in Montreal. Celine Dion spent US$20000 in New York. Both treatments have no guarantee for results.
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: p2 _* l5 s# u! @1 F: Y- yBeautiful girl, don't worry! I found that 10% of my patients got pregnant after tube opening checkup. Some of patients got pregnant after they gave up. Relax, start from beginning, calculate exact ovlation day by chart, relax, good food, exercise, good seasons (Spring and winter seem to be easier). I believe that modern techniques and information should win this battle.
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Have wonderful holidays! Wish you good luck in a coming sheep year. Thomas |