Post by airbus2002
地铁到站后,我跟随着人群坐电梯出站。身前是一个老太太,两手提着购物袋。我让她先踩上电梯。过一了会儿,她发现我站在她身后,嘴里示意让我往前走。我看她提着东西,几乎塞住了另一侧的过道,就说:“That’s okay.” 谁知,这老太太竟然白了一眼,连上三个台阶,边走边说:“…Lazy Chinese…”
“Excuse me, ma’am! What did you say just now? LAZY CHINESE!!! How could you say that?”
老太太没想到我会追上去,吓了一跳。“I want you to pass, but you didn’t.”
“That’s why you say LAZY CHINESE?”我真的气坏了,义正辞严地质问她。“You must apologize to me. I have the right to stand after you. I did nothing wrong to you. But YOU are so rude, impolite!!! You offensed me with such insulting words!!!”
老太太开始不说话了。这时候,我身旁过去一个老外,听到了老太太说这样的话,说了一句 “My God!”
“Apologize to you? No, I won’t. I am 80 years old. I shall never apologize to you.”老太太想了半天,说出这么几句。
“Really? You seems like a decent and kind old lady, but actually you are not. I feel insulted by what you said. Am I not allowed to stand on the stairs? First, I did not block your way; second, I did not touch you. This is Canada, you cannot discriminate people like that.”
这时候,已经走了到地铁检票出口处。我有机会冲到她前面去,继续和她争论。她估计有点怕了,过检票机的时候,东西都被挂住了。我看了一下,过去帮她弄下来。“I am telling you, an old lady like you shall never do that again. As a law student, I am very serious. If I got some witnesses tonight, you will be sued!!! Definitely!!! Did you hear that?”
老太太有点吱唔了,不过令我没想到的是,她居然拍着胸口说了这么一句。“I said that because some Chinese told me they don’t like Canada, they don’t belong to Canada.”
我听了更来气,“That’s their problem, not mine. But you should not insult Chinese people like that. Canada is a law country. You must have been living in Canada for a long….”
“No, I am not. I….”老太太回答。现在她已经不走了,直接看着我说话。
“Okay, then I warn you. Never speak like that! You might get sued in court! Okay?”我就这样盯着她的眼睛,严肃且大声地告诉她。
“Thank you. Have a nice day.”
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