hi,ycy, i plan to start from sept.
and the deadline is june 1st.
you can download the form from the
mcgill website.
i noticed that all courses are taught
in the evening. like night school in china.
btw, have you gone to their website?
no detailed description. and there
are two: undergrad certificate, and
graduate diploma, any difference?
Hi,togo, as to mcgill diploma of CA, there is no application form in its website.
说实话我不太想再从本科(undergrade certificate)学起,很想拿个master degree,但这儿好象没有专门的accounting master degree.我个人认为重新再学本科没多大用,有时间还不如多考几个资格。如果学经济硕士,感觉理论性太强,对于将来从事会计工作没什么实际的帮助。
再者我注意到MCGILL CA的课都是在晚上,感觉不上档次,象国内的成人后续教育。而且其介绍的重点是说这个PROGRAM对于将来考CA有用,如果不考CA好象学着也没多大意思。唉,真希望曾学过的人指点一二。
you are wrong, i want to go back but not go down.
you think ca is better than cga? why? i had thought that cga is the best and the most difficult.
if you cannot make a decision now, maybe you will have to wait until next year. or you can apply for all, then make your decision after you receive the admission approval.
i dont want to go back , but go to the
states. ca is standard desgination here
and the best, ca require an undegrad
degree. cga is for people with a job,
continuing education, it used to allow
people to study it without a bachelor's
i will apply for the mcgill diploma
for this fall. there is form to download
on the website.