Cap-Saint-Jacques Nature Park 的沙滩边的凉亭子避暑,太阳下山后在去摸点鱼,如果谁愿意去,到那去找我,可以分你一瓶酒。
By car: take Highway 40 West until exit # 49, Chemin Sainte-Marie, turn left on
the chemin Ste-Marie, and then right on the chemin de l'Anse-à-l'Orme. Turn
right at the end on to Gouin Boulevard. Follow the road blue signs to the park
entrance at « Accueil » or to « Accès à la plage » (beach access).
By bus, from the Côte-Vertu metro station, take the bus # 64 to the Cartierville
terminus. From there, bus # 68 to the park entrance.
From the Henri-Bourassa metro station, take the bus #69 to the terminus, and
then take the bus #68.