Yesterday I took the test. But the test did not go as some people mentioned in this PPS. It includes three pats. 1. Listening. 2. Grammmer and vocabulary 3. Reading. The listening is easier than TOEFL(I though). The grammer is not so difficult. The most difficult are vocabullary and reading, which are much more difficult that TOELF. In particular, the reading style is totally different from TOEFL. It is very difficult(my opinion).
I donot know if it is the English Replacement Test. The secretary asked me to make an appointment. I donnot know for what this appointment. It seems that I have to make the registration for taking the course before I have the result. I am not sure. But I donnot want to take the course since I have no time for the course.
Is there anyone who know the Test?Please give me some opinion. Thanks!
Hello, Sstty! |