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发表于 2002-8-26 06:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
小女想到法语大学读硕士,希望提供些信息,谢谢  :confused:   
发表于 2002-8-26 09:14 | 只看该作者
You should decide first which university and which major your daughter wish to apply. You can search by Internet to find info about each university and each lab. It`s better to contact a professor you choose. If he (she) agrees to accept her, you are more chance. By the way, your daughter should speak French (she has to pass a french exam before accepted if she has no degree in french.) Good luck!
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发表于 2002-8-26 09:16 | 只看该作者
You should decide first which university and which major your daughter wishes to apply. You can search by Internet to find info about each university and each lab. It`s better to contact a professor you choose. If he (she) agrees to accept her, you have more chance. By the way, your daughter should speak French (she has to pass a french exam before accepted if she has no degree in french.) Good luck!
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