路线:<TABLE bordercolor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=606 bgcolor=#e5e5cd border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=606 colSpan=3>La Diable Sector</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#cccc99><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=222>La Diable Information Kiosk</TD><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=158>From mid-May to mid-October 2005</TD><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=194>Highway 15 and Route 117, Saint-Faustin exit - Lac-Carré in the direction of Lac-Supérieur</TD></TR><TR><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=222>Lac-Monroe Visitors Centre <NOBR>(11 km</NOBR> from the park entrance)</TD><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=158>Year round</TD><TD class=texte1 vAlign=top width=194>Highway 15 and Route 117, Saint-Faustin - Lac-Carré exit in the direction of Lac-Supérieur</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Post by karenkaren
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