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发表于 2003-5-18 10:59 | 只看该作者
Also, Medical Science both in the aspect of clinic and research is almost the most famous and strongest part of McGill
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发表于 2003-5-18 12:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-5-18 13:58 | 只看该作者
Also: 3 Year: the board is open to everyone, isn't it? this subject is asking about Medicl school, not Engineering. So, I may be more appropriate to response the question than you ba! Also, I am the one taking care the new comming student in MISN and International Student program..then i am asking you can I give any suggestion?

Science, generally require 120 credits. However, for Honor students, we need aount 140 also, include full year research projects. The pressure between science and engineering is different. I have lots of friends in Engineering, I know it's tuft and hard. However, Science have more pressure on exams, especially 80-100% final. Compare to engineering, they constantly working for each 10% quiz or homework. Science is overwhelm by final examination!
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发表于 2003-5-18 16:41 | 只看该作者
咳咳,看到这贴的人气这么旺,小妹冒昧进来问个问题,请各位学长帮帮忙. 不知道MCGILL八月份有没有针对non-english-speaker的英语课,最好是国际学生和法语学生一起上的. 在网页上看到一门ENGL299,不知道适不适合新生上? 还有,如果我八月初去montreal,住宿问题怎么解决?可以请学校或中国同学会安排接机吗?
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发表于 2003-5-18 22:36 | 只看该作者
to cocomagic:
你所在的department of biochemistry是在faculty of science还是medicine? 我是在faculty of medicine的名单下找到它,进入后又说是faculty of science.有点晕。
另外请教一下,6 credits in elementary biologyI&II是U0学的么?你在U0还选了什么课?
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发表于 2003-5-18 23:08 | 只看该作者
Mountie, 你不要激动吗, 我发现你的留言全都是胡说八道的: 3年没有说GPA在4, 是WALMART说的。 3年只是说了SCIENCE SUCCKS, 但是你的话全都是对WALMART 说的。 WALMART根本就没有理你, 你傻比吧。 是不是很生气, 连对象都没有搞清是谁就说话!  我也在MCGILL BIOCHEM, 你 简直是我们系的耻辱, 丢人不丢人啊!!
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发表于 2003-5-18 23:17 | 只看该作者
Fine...I just share my experiences and hope to help whoever in need. Just hope people pay respect to eachother no matter how good you think you are. No one is really **** or else because we have our choice for our own life. I just a bit mad b/c no one really so implite like that...well if I had any over-response, I apologize
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发表于 2003-5-19 00:36 | 只看该作者
If you are really a McGill student and still believing McGill is an excellent place for excellent people, please pay a little attention to your manner here.
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发表于 2003-5-19 00:44 | 只看该作者
天阿~~BIO202是killer course??? faint~~~ 我的生物。。。真的是觉得太多的东西要背了。。真的很佩服你们这些U0BIO可以得A的~~我通晓复习了一个晚上的BIO112。。才A-。。U0的GPA估计只有3.8几。。看到大家那么努力,我真是很脸红,天天想着玩。。马上我又要回中国两个月。。下学期我一定向你们看齐!!把GPA拖上来!!!真的很谢谢大家~~~ Mountie要不是你建议买NTC,我根本还不会考虑买那个呢~~以为是骗人的。。晕。。希望以后能在mcgill见到读PHD的Mountie呵呵~还有,我下学期很恐怖,一学年有36个学分要修,是U1的major,这种修6门课一学期是不是很正常的事??我觉得好恐怖。。那么多门。。

to walmar~谢谢你的建议~~但是STATS mcgill 有prerequisite,Cal 3 有corequisite..都是我没学过的~化学又错过了~~~biochem又没有java~可选~~所以就没有办法了,我还是回国算了~

to 淼小楼:      sicence 也不是想像的那么轻松,看到生物什么的时候,跳楼的感觉真是油然而生~~

to thea :我上过ESL299,除了我以外,都是CEGEP毕业的quebecois,感觉用处不大,毕竟只有十几天~

to flyxu: 我看到department of biochemistry 是这样写的--Mclntyre Medical Sicences Building~具体是什么我也不清楚。。。      
6 credits in elementary biologyI&II是U0学的,
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发表于 2003-5-19 00:46 | 只看该作者
However, I am not the one who bring up the argument here. I just hope Science and Engineering people do not look down eachother. Btw, do i rewally blame anyone here? sight....
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