In order to get into Medical school, it's hard but not impossible. However, the decision is matter of life, so do really consider seriously why you want to be a doc.
How strong your impression is because these questions will also be asked in your interview. The interview is a big precentage of the admission. McGill really want to get a people with great potential to be a good doc rather than only a high GPA student. therefore, you need to know the reality of medical world.
Volunteer experience is quite vital. GPA is also big part in all medical school, but it could be compensate by some extra-activity. the good part of McGill admission is they do not cut off people strictly according to GPA as UofT.
Just study hard to build a beautiful transcript, and spend time on various experience as volunteer in hospital and research institutes during the summer, perticipate in the departmental activities and get some possition as President or VP. and really think about why you go this approch to medical.
As others said, it take approximately 8-10 year before you can really start your "Real" clinic. Money and honor is not everything. Think about are you rather to exchange 10 years with those what you "may" gain. and good luck! |