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发表于 2003-4-4 13:51 | 只看该作者
你说的对,大家都努力吧。只是我的邮箱 iamyuze@yahoo.ca,有空交流一下心得。
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-6 12:12 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-4-6 13:13 | 只看该作者
1) 醫前兩年理論我們可讀得很好因為我們用功. 但是實習和住院時就不一樣了因為理論好不一定臨床會有優勢...

所以進去是一件事, 畢業又是另外的一件事. 在台灣進去很難, 但是幾乎100%會畢業的. 在國外被踢出系的或再讀的unfortunately也很多. 語言很重要(很多人覺得science比較重要. Ha! 到了臨床時你們將會很驚訝). 讀書在醫科大部分都很會讀. 但應用就不一樣了.

2) 臨床時很被操... 工作時間長. 回家又要讀. 沒時間going out, 睡眠不足. 和別科很不一樣的就是: 在臨床你是主角/演員而不是像在上課時你是觀眾. 所以You have to PERFORM. 反應要快, 因為在問病人是沒時間給你想, 聯想要快.

3) 7-12 years of studies depending on what you want to do later...

不過有毅力的話, 我覺得多點東方人在醫是絕對有優勢(比如, 以後東方子弟會比較容易進  :p ). 多點優秀的東方人為加拿大做點貢獻讓白人另眼相看. 加油!!!
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发表于 2003-4-6 13:52 | 只看该作者
进MCGILL医科很难的.我现在在MARIANOPOLIS COLLEGE读书,我们学校里有人拿96分平均分都悬.而且一定要有义工史,我现在已经做了四百多个小时,还在做.分数固然重要,但最重要的还是面试!大家一定要准备好.至于有人想读BAC在申请的话,MCAT<35的还是另谋高就吧.我现在正在申请,如有问题,请发EMAIL给我: haibinyin2000@hotmail.com
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发表于 2003-4-6 18:28 | 只看该作者
走自己的路,让别人说去... ... Anyway, you're still young.
不過有毅力的話, 我覺得多點東方人在醫是絕對有優勢(比如, 以後東方子弟會比較容易進  ). 多點優秀的東方人為加拿大做點貢獻讓白人另眼相看. 加油!加油!加油!
  :cool:    :p        wink
:) :) :) :) :) :)
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发表于 2003-4-18 13:56 | 只看该作者
In order to get into Medical school, it's hard but not impossible. However, the decision is matter of life, so do really consider seriously why you want to be a doc.
How strong your impression is because these questions will also be asked in your interview. The interview is a big precentage of the admission. McGill really want to get a people with great potential to be a good doc rather than only a high GPA student. therefore, you need to know the reality of medical world.
Volunteer experience is quite vital. GPA is also big part in all medical school, but it could be compensate by some extra-activity. the good part of McGill admission is they do not cut off people strictly according to GPA as UofT.
Just study hard to build a beautiful transcript, and spend time on various experience as volunteer in hospital and research institutes during the summer, perticipate in the departmental activities and get some possition as President or VP. and really think about why you go this approch to medical.
As others said, it take approximately 8-10 year before you can really start your "Real" clinic. Money and honor is not everything. Think about are you rather to exchange 10 years with those what you "may" gain. and good luck!   
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发表于 2003-4-18 18:59 | 只看该作者
Pre-med school isn't that perfect. It saves two years. That's true. But for studying BSc, you got usually 4 or 5 courses per semester. But in pre-med school, you sometimes have 9 courses per term. I think in BSc will be better.
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发表于 2003-4-18 19:40 | 只看该作者
大家好, 我对学医也很感兴趣,但不知就业前景如何,(加拿大和整个北美地区).另外,不知蒙大医学和药学专业和麦大比,哪一个更好.还有,我以前是学计算机的,不知能不能直接申请读蒙大的药学专业?
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发表于 2003-4-19 00:27 | 只看该作者
In order to comapre UdeM and McGill, it is important to varify your future orientation if you want to stay in Quebec or not. McGill definitely have a greater internation reputation and honor in the field of Medicine. MD degree from McGill certainally can be carry around the world! However, UdeM maybe more restricted in Quebec area. One thing to be notified is only UdeM have Pharmacy degree. Parmacy is different from Pharmacology that Pharmacy is more application as working in Pharmacy clinic whereas Pharmacology is more research orientated.
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发表于 2003-4-20 19:10 | 只看该作者
是不是太难了, 要是太难,我就学PHD 吧
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