tasso :
如你所说:concordia is really good! better than mcgill in business school 请问你在2边都读过吗? 如果没有,你怎么能下此定义? 要说排名McGill 比Concordia 好那是不争的事实,concordia难得有个business school 能排个世界前100 (前90多位)就拿出来说, 但McGill因为综合排名太好,Management 排了个世界30多名,都不好意思拿出来说。。。还有就是我拿Concordia 的书来看过,教得比McGill 慢,难易程度我就不多说了,你只要看看2边的学生肯定是McGill的学生学得累得多,你再想想一边以90多分的成绩进的大学,一边是7,80 分进的大学,基础都不一样。 我不否认concordia 好,要不当初也不会申请她,但拿到McGill的通知书了,肯定选McGill,相信你也看到很多在Concorida 的人想转到 McGill 去的。所以在没有任何证据之前,请不要乱下定义。
This is just a stupid discussion. I mean, the important thing is to get an education and find a job, and the personal potential is the number one factor. Very few bosses would hold the ranking list of universities and recruit employees based only on that. The reputation of a university is a factor, but not the major one. So just stop this nonsense discussion and get to work.