AEC 2 years intensive fd autumn and winter semester tuition fee are 4304 CDN( quebec resident only) and since this year they increase registe fee, that mean you have to pay the register fee every year.about $200?
the school reputation is not very good, it think your money all the time no matter you are a student or not,you will have same feeling soon.
you mentioned 'there are a one years pattern course in one public school in Montreal'. so could you like to tell this school name and its exactly course name.
one of my friend show me the advertisement in newspaper one day ,if you are intested in it, I would like check it out for you,but make sure you understand French well.if convienent for u, could you leave tel or email, so I can send information to you.
I think that my french could manage it. So if it is possible, could you like to send me some info to my
Merry Chirsmas.