Though I have registered the "prescribed" courses for Fall 02 and Winter 03, I am very interested in getting some advice from McGill MBA alumni on first-year registration as well as study, such as on what to do or what to avoid.
Some questions in my mind are:
Is the orientation week really helpful and beneficial? Can I not attend it?
Which professor's class to take or be careful of if there are choices?
Time of a class? I tend to pick the first class
session if the same professor will give the same class twice in a roll on the same day. I think he or she is more energetic in and enthusiastic about his/her presentation of the course material in the first session. How do you think? Ususally the consecutive 2 sessions are scheduled to start from around 1 pm and 3 pm.
Other advices are all welcome. You can send me private emails if you like.
I highly appreciate it that you, as a person who has been there before, take time advising me.
Hi, My friend.
As an alumnus, I think I can help you on that.
We can talk about that during a dinner if you would like to pay for it.
Leave your phone number here, so I will contact you when I get free time. Take care!