教4岁的孩子需要很好的心理准备, 滑雪本身是 Fun, fun, fun, 也就是说, 首先你必须要有很好的保暖衣服. 一旦孩子冬着了. 这可能影响他今后一辈子对于滑雪的兴趣. 滑雪其实是其次的.
另外, 雪板的长度要短. 不能用成年人的标准来选长度. 可参考下列表(3-7岁用):
身高 (CM) 体重(KGS) 雪板长度(CM)
85-105 11-18 80
105-115 18-22 90
115-125 22-26 100
125-135 26-30 110
有些厂家有不同的标准, 但你按上做参考. 注意, 很多销售员本身并不会滑雪, 尤其是小店里临时来打工的. 一般地说, 长读不要超过孩子的嘴巴. 太短的话, 稳定性会差. 由于孩子长得快, 没有必要去买雪具. 你可以去雪具店租. 价格要看雪具的好坏. 一般是零售价的60%. 你可以在黄页本上看看哪家点可以租雪具. 南岸的 ROY.A SPORTS, Ski Poubelle (SKI DUMP), 都有租.
上多少课要看你要他滑到什么水平, 另外要去决与孩子本身的兴趣. (Again, I strongly advise you to dress him up well and WARM - or you end up wasting a lot of money to satify your needs but not his - your role is to 培养他对大自然的兴趣. This is not all about skiing but about playing with a child; I dont think any adults will enjoy walking in the snow if they are not dressed up properly - same with a kid).
西岛的Rod Roy Ski School 收大该$160 (四趟 课).http://www.rodroy.com/programs/kinderski/index.htm
但他们只收6岁以上的孩子. 我的建议是, 对于四岁的孩子们, 有一对一上课, 同他上课用他最熟悉的语言, 这个时候他们需要大人的 Attention. 另外家长要在现场. 这样孩子会有安全感和成就感. Again, i am talking about more to make fun with the kid rather than "teaching". 我教的两个六岁的孩子当天一般可以上绿道, 4 次以后回在绿到上自在地滑. 四岁的孩子判断能力远不如6岁的. 他的理解能力和 copy (模仿能力)也不如6岁的孩子 . 我没有教过4岁的孩子,另外孩子与孩子之间是不同的. 如果你的孩子好动, 喜欢 excitement 和滑楼梯, 那他可以学的快些.
Post by cspyip
My son is 4 yrs old, planning to let him try skiing this year, any idea where and how much it costs for children lessons?
I believe you teacher children as well, How many class he should take? how much is it in average per class, is it charged by hour? which hill?
Also, where can he get a pair of ski that fits him, or any shops that has exchange ski program? I do nto want to buy a brand new for him, which it costs a lot and they grow to fast, any recommendations? |