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发表于 2005-11-28 15:44 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2005-11-28 23:39 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-28 15:12 | 只看该作者
It is the federal election time again. Canada is a very political nation. But because of the corruption, Liberal party did not have much to say about the election, eather, Tory (Conservative Party) and NDP is more or less active on the new election. I really like to elect and excercise my democratic right as a Canadian. Nowadays, Canadian economy is like US economy, still under the depression, even though some people like to portray how Canadian economy is how much better than before. But according to my experience, it is really not as good as five years ago. Just look at the unemployment rate. All I want to say is, I really like to elect a party that can bring Canada economy to a better point, fighting poverty while keeping the existing health care and other benefits for Canadian citizens. I like to vote for a government that can privitize more into  private business that can lead to the active use of the existing human resourses and natural resourses in Canada. I expect a Canada not only focus its industrial labs in public sector and universities, but also encourage private sector research and development for the innovative technology to fully achieve the green economy Canada claims. Maybe I should vote for Tory?
金石镂空,了了蝈笼。资成新风,皓月无梦。 学圆堂主人胡文仲题 lychonantiques.org
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-19 10:56 | 只看该作者
I have something more to say about Canada. Talking about permanent jobs, only those working for government have permanent jobs. Someone else, depends on their luck. An engineer may be laid-off after he works for about 2-3 years and then could not find another ideal job after. Management is a good choise because Canada's economy is based on buy-sells. But they may be laid-off and go to sell insurance for the rest of their life. There is nothing called job-security here in Canada, they only have unemployment insurance. Under the system that having the free medicare, medical school and drug company would be the best choice of career for people living in Canada, but the competition is too too tough. Another thing is the insurance, this is insurance, that is insurance. Canada is really a insurance only nation, that is no wonder why they only have social insurance number but America had social security number. That's the difference, because of their different economy. I can say, AMerican economy is a million times better than Canada, because they produce and manufacture all kinds of product to sell, in Canada as well. How ironic, Canada don't produce much, comparing with their population and their status in G8 nations. So do the business, don't be stupid like me doing engineering or science. When the economy is not good, the first one suffers is yourself.
金石镂空,了了蝈笼。资成新风,皓月无梦。 学圆堂主人胡文仲题 lychonantiques.org
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发表于 2006-2-19 20:59 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-21 14:03 | 只看该作者

中国男人互相比较谁更强的主要标准是成功,加国男人则是谁的钞票,股票多。可是近些年来,在加那大的中国男人没了工作,只好打累伯工。加国男人呢,钞票,股票则大幅缩水。只差没了工作。:mad: :mad:
金石镂空,了了蝈笼。资成新风,皓月无梦。 学圆堂主人胡文仲题 lychonantiques.org
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-21 16:09 | 只看该作者
Have to complain here in Canada, otherwise they will think you are the real looser.
Post by playjoke
I guess that you have nothing but complains plus wasting time.
金石镂空,了了蝈笼。资成新风,皓月无梦。 学圆堂主人胡文仲题 lychonantiques.org
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