(sorry I have to make it in eng. since I am in the lib)
I've tried to call you several times but couldn't get through
I'm excited to enjoy the beautiful autumn, so I'm wondering is there any seats left? we two have no car...
ps:is it on this Sat.?
Post by 麦田守望者 网上太乱啦,想发个帖子出去散散心; 地点:RIGAUDA;在离蒙城西40分钟车程的一个地方; 沿40公路开,朝渥太华去的方向吧 是一个很不错的小镇,马上就要入冬啦,希望能抓住这最后的机会 哪位朋友有兴趣的话,或是有车的话请与我联络;256--9431 时间:初定下周日