Post by crazywoman
About a year age, I worked in a place. I noticed a man eat simple food everyday, but he always happy even he have to eat these simple food. My husband is very different with this men. He will be very angery if he isn't satisfy the food what I cooked. So, I loved the man in half a month. we work together, eat together, everybody here knew this, except my husband and his wife. I hate his wife, because she don't care his lovely husband. I took food for him everyday, we love each other.Later, we had to seprate because I will continue my franch course, I will miss him forever.
不明白楼主你是怎么想的,贴出这个贴子做什么,对于你的事我不反感,朴朴实实又无欲无求,没有冠冕堂皇,绝对是一段真感情,我只说你这个贴子,提示他的妻子?激怒对号入座和失落不平的男人?一个女人,侍候自己的老公,还要关怀别人的老公,还要打工,还要去学法语,如果你是我的姐姐或者妹妹,我会狠狠揪你的耳朵,然后对你大喊一句,你真是一个十足的crazywoman. |