Hi 悠然自得:
I am confused on CSST insurance that you mentioned, as per the offical documents, it seems the duration for the pregnancy paid is from 4th-9th months after the pregnancy(32 weeks in total), but you said only 8 weekes paid... can you give me some detailed info. on that? I am having the same situation that you had before...
Post by 悠然自得
CSST不是那么好申请的,如果你申请后单位要给你换岗位那你就休不成,还有听起来给你开90%的工资你觉得听合适实际上是如果CSST同意你休而且单位没给你换岗位那么你满24周就可休实际上都得多与24周才能休上,同时只给你到32周之后就没钱了实际上你只能拿8周或不到8周的钱之后除非你申请父母假,那么你就少拿了两个月的父母金.这样一来你还不如随便找其他理由比如腰和后背疼,长期坐着胎儿压迫大腿疼,肚子疼等让医生在你24周时开休假证明,那你就可休病EI拿55%的工资拿16周你就该生了,紧接着申请父母假你就可以休满了.我当时就是这样弄的我觉得比申请CSST合适还省事,省时,而且什么都不影响. |