Post by zzqqll
不能相信他们,我上当受骗过,当我用BELL时, 他们说是三个月免费,可第二个月他们就寄账单要钱,因我相信他们,我没受到合同,我打电话到总部,他们要我拿出合约他们认的是纸上的黑字。
Unbeliveable. When you order the service package in telephone, all the conversation have to be recorded. After you finish your transaction, you will be given a confirmation number. If there is any dispute between you and Bell, you will be asked to provide the confirmation number, so the agent can retrieve the record as a proof. They cannot cheat you by asking you provide the contract. I have enjoyed four month bell high speed service free, and signed a contract of one year for just $34.99 tax included. |