For convenience - banks
For performance for funds - anywhere besides banks
Fees - even when they say non, no institution works for nothing. U just pay it in diff. ways.
Said this to friends for yearSSSS, nobody listened, now everyone regretted. Good luck to all!
1. For convenience - banks
2. For performance for funds - anywhere besides banks
3. Fees - even when they say non, no institution works for nothing. U just pay it in diff. ways.
Said this to friends for yearSSSS, nobody listened, then everyone regretted. Good luck to all!
Post by zrh
现在CDIC COVER 10万, 但有的不COVER, 如股票,超过5年的定期等,要看你投资的品种.可以在不同的金融机构有RRSP帐户,其实大部分的金融产品都ELIGIBLE FOR RRSP. 可以去银行问问.选择适合你自己的产品(根据你资金的用途,你的风险承受能力,你的目标回报率等)