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发表于 2006-1-25 18:30 | 只看该作者

monk court

Is the monk court indorr or out door?  now can play?
Post by NanaWu2
Count me in if you still need new blood......

Pls email me the time and place.... umass32003@yahoo.com

I played in Monk court last summer, maybe I know some of you?

Female, Level: no good, and not bad.
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发表于 2006-1-25 18:35 | 只看该作者

Happy New Year

Hello friends,
I have been playing tennis since 1993, it is my personal interest, but this coming saturday I have friends coming to my house, but I would love to join in the near future, if it is possible, please call me at:514-792-1687

I am good tennis player

Happy New Year and Have a prosperous 2006!
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发表于 2006-1-25 19:45 | 只看该作者
it is disappointed that I could not join this weekend cause I'm busy, anyway, I hope to join next time
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发表于 2006-1-25 23:58 | 只看该作者


Post by Richard
Hello friends,
I have been playing tennis since 1993, it is my personal interest, but this coming saturday I have friends coming to my house, but I would love to join in the near future, if it is possible, please call me at:514-792-1687

I am good tennis player

Happy New Year and Have a prosperous 2006!

我才是正宗的Richard @ Monk.

汗颜. 自91年开始摸球拍, 现在是越打越差.

多谢今晚庄Sir电话, 才知Kurtern Wu是高手中的高手. 希望能订到场, 周六小玩一把. :cool::cool:
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发表于 2006-1-26 12:42 | 只看该作者
蒙特利尔华人体育论坛 http://sinomontrealsports.ca
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发表于 2006-2-15 20:57 | 只看该作者
这个活动后来有下文了吗?据我所知,全市只有Jarry Parc的室内网球场是无需会员证向公众开放的。而蒙大,麦大都有很好的室内球场,但都必须成为会员并且签合约每月交纳会员费,而且是参与的人都必须是会员。考虑到夏天就无须再使用室内,也就没必要成为什么会员了。因此,Jarry Parc成为了唯一可以向“散客”开放的场所。然而,连续3周我周四早上7点致电过去想订周六或周日的场,都无一成功。首先,7点的时候电话基本打不进去,然后,等你好不容易打进去了又被告知所需要的场地又都订完了。郁闷吧!所以我已经放弃了在冬天打室内网球的想法。

在通往Dorval机场的公路Cote-de-Liesse旁有一个CDL 俱乐部,据说里面有上好的室内红土场,但也必须成为会员。再说我又不会打红土,所以这个也不能考虑。

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发表于 2006-2-17 18:23 | 只看该作者

help you update

Hi everyone,  my friend suggested this thread, it seems many eager players here!

My name is Yeroon and I also look for tennis partner.  I am beginner, but eager to learn.  In this case, I can offer you a skills exchange (I am skating coach, see my other message called  Learn to skate: so cheap and fun, or maybe pay more than 50% fee if we play single.

Also, If there are people interested in doubles play otherwise single play, we can go to Stade Uniprix at Jarry park.

I read the last post, seems someone has trouble to reserve a place there, or is it my misunderstanding?  Please explain.

Next week I am on mid term break, so have some time in late afternoon or evening.

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发表于 2006-2-19 10:06 | 只看该作者
Hi JerryLee, you didn't misunderstand. I meant what I said.

If you have doubt about it, you can try by calling 514-273-1234 on Thursday morning around 7:00am, to see if you can book weekend courts.

Cross your fingers!
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