claim dependent: schedule 1里的Line 305,附上schedule 5,dependent的详细信息填在schedule5里。
注意,如果你有配偶的话,只能从spouse credit and dependent credit 选一个最高的。也就是说只能用其中的一个。如果你的小孩符合以下情况你可以claim caregiver (line 315 schedule 1):
- been 18 or over at the time he or she lived with you;
- had a net income of less than $16,989 (line 236 of his or her return, or what line 236 would be if he or she filed a return); and
- been dependent on you due to physical or mental infirmity or, if he or she is your or your spouse or common-law partner's parent or grandparent, born in 1940 or earlier.