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发表于 2006-4-1 10:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
请读蒙城主要报纸Journal de Montréal近期的长篇报道 :<o =""></o>

   华人社区卫生状况在蒙城属最差, 数届市政府耗巨资, 欲与改善, 但终因华人长期陋习难改,收效甚微, 令市长们头疼棘手, 尤其是唐人街的卫生现状, 与蒙城国际旅游大都市的美名誉不协调, 对蒙城形象,旅游和观光业的整体发展有负面影响.<o =""></o>

Montréal | Malpropreté <o =""></o>

Le Quartier chinois montré du doigt<o =""></o>

    André Beauvais
Le Journal de Montréal
29/03/2006 09h36 <o =""></o>

   <o =""></o>
La Ville lance une campagne de sensibilisation et veut faire de ce quartier un exemple <o =""></o>

Le conseiller Marcel Tremblay, le Monsieur Net de service à l'hôtel de ville de Montréal, veut un Quartier chinois «propre et appétissant».

Il en fera sa priorité dans les prochains jours, dans le cadre de la campagne de sensibilisation qu'il a lancée pour convaincre tous les Montréalais de faire leur part pour nettoyer la ville. <o =""></o>

Le conseiller, qui est le frère du maire, a rencontré hier un deuxième groupe de décideurs et de marchands du Quartier chinois pour les convaincre de changer leurs habitudes. <o =""></o>

Historiquement, ce quartier est l'un des plus malpropres de la métropole. Les trottoirs du boulevard Saint-Laurent sont très souvent jonchés de déchets et de restes de nourriture des commerces voisins. <o =""></o>

Tous ces détritus s'accumulent à la vue de la population locale et des touristes, qui doivent les contourner en déambulant sur les trottoirs. <o =""></o>

Dans le passé, les administrations municipales n'ont jamais réussi à modifier le décor du Quartier chinois sur une base permanente. <o =""></o>

Le conseiller Tremblay croit-il pouvoir réussir sa démarche? Il s'est adressé aux leaders de la communauté chinoise de la métropole. <o =""></o>

Question de comprendre...
Selon M. Tremblay, les porte-parole de la communauté lui ont expliqué que les résidants du quartier n'ont jamais compris qu'ils avaient des responsabilités au chapitre de la propreté. <o =""></o>

«Ce quartier est important pour l'image touristique de Montréal et il faut que la communauté chinoise le comprenne et que tous fassent des efforts pour garder propres les rues, les ruelles et les terrains et le voisinage de l'hôpital chinois. <o =""></o>

«Les gens vont manger et magasiner dans le Quartier chinois. Il faut qu'il soit appétissant et accueillant. On va essayer de le rendre impeccable et d'en faire un exemple avec la collaboration de tout le monde», a commenté Marcel Tremblay dans une entrevue accordée au Journal. <o =""></o>

En fin de semaine, c'est le maire lui-même qui doit se rendre visiter le Quartier chinois propre, propre, propre.

    Gérald Tremblay va à son tour tenter de convaincre cette communauté des nombreux avantages de vivre dans un environnement agréable.
发表于 2006-4-1 14:53 | 只看该作者
Sadly the lack of cleanliness or the lack of the concept of cleanliness
is prevalent.
You can see it on the streets.
You can see it in the washrooms of the restaurants.

What is funny is that the Chinatown here is already cleaner than those in Toronto.

A few yers ago, in a Toronto newspaper,
there was a list of the 10 dirtiest areas of Toronto.
Chinatowns took 2(or maybe 3?) of the top spots.

When I visited the Chinatown in Toronto downtown a few summers ago,
the garbage cans there were overflowing with coconut shells,
with a large number scattered in street corners.
The place was dirty and smelly.

The sidewalks were clogged with all kinds of food counters.
Passing through the streets was not a pleasant experience.
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发表于 2006-4-2 10:51 | 只看该作者


华人向来忍气吞声,被人家打了左脸还要把右脸伸过去, 不拿你当替罪羊谁是傻瓜!


难道中国城是蒙城卫生最差的角落吗?这位市长大人当政以后为市民都做了些什麽?本人小市民一个,别的不知,只眼见着蒙城一天比一天脏。他为什麽不去意大利城打扫卫生?怕黑手党的子弹把他打成蜂窝煤;他为什麽不去黑人聚居区打扫卫生?怕有种族歧视嫌疑;他为什麽不去犹太人聚居区打扫卫生?怕落下纳粹的名声;他为什麽不Verdun区打扫卫生?怕当地魁佬往他身上仍臭鸡蛋区倒是脏了自己那身皮; 他为什麽不去阿拉伯人聚居区打扫卫生?怕拉登第二开坦克撞他的办公楼,怕他们的妇女持捆绑式炸弹闯他的办公室引爆自杀丢他自己的小命。试问,哪位中国MM会这麽做?

只有中国城是最佳选择,只有中国人会卑躬屈膝地欢迎这位尊贵的市长大人的到来,只有中国人会荣耀地承担是自这位市长大人当政以后蒙城脏乱的罪魁祸首:中国人是猪,肮脏懒惰的猪,是中国人让蒙城这麽脏, 中国人是蒙城的耻辱,中国人应当滚蛋!滚出蒙城,滚出加拿大,滚回中国去!当然,留下你们的钱再滚。
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发表于 2006-4-2 11:28 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-4-2 11:59 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-4-2 22:08 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-4-3 04:30 | 只看该作者




如果没有,只是指责,那么可能是主流媒体的打压弱势群体的一种做法。 我曾经跟踪过 National Post 一段时间关于中国和华人的相关报道,确实是以负面为主。


他们如果不能帮我们说话,改善我们的条件/处境, 我们就只能自立自强,在改善自己的同时,同时自己做正面宣传,给当地社区带来一定的回报,这样,我们自己逐渐树立自己社区的正面形象,有利于自己社区,也让主流媒体无废话可说。

在这一点上,我认为 Lunala_ 开的“评比社区优秀 ID “的帖子的活动是值得我们推动的。
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发表于 2006-4-3 06:23 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-4-3 11:34 | 只看该作者



http://www.canada.com/montrealga ... 596fd3a&k=61974

Mayor sweeps up in Chinatown
Spring cleaning; Tremblay also lauds work of blue-collars
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Mayor Gerald Tremblay speaks to reporters on Clark St. yesterday.
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  Font: * * * *  KATHERINE WILTON, The Gazette
Published: Monday, April 03, 2006
As part of the city's continuing campaign to clean up Montreal's filthy streets, Mayor Gerald Tremblay put on gloves yesterday and joined 130 volunteers who spent the afternoon tidying up Chinatown.

"If Montreal is to be clean, everyone will have to change their behaviour," the mayor said yesterday, after spending a few minutes cleaning rubbish along Clark St. "Instead of tossing paper on the ground, we need people to put it in the garbage cans," he said.

But the mayor said adding more garbage cans won't be enough to get rid of all the rubbish. He urged residents to "clean up the area outside of their house" and asked merchants to clear litter from outside their stores.

He also urged residents not to fill their green recycling bins with items such as loose paper, which blows away on windy days.

Tremblay said the city will buy 500 new litter bins and promised they will be emptied promptly, once they are full.

"We need people to make an individual effort to help make Montreal clean," Tremblay told a large crowd gathered in Chinatown.

Last month, the city announced it would spend an additional $10 million this year to tidy up streets and sidewalks. The plan also includes a $1 million "cleanliness brigade."

As part of its broader five-year, $75-million cleanup plan, Montreal will hire 120 young people to pick up trash, discourage littering and patrol festivals and events to keep neighbourhoods tidy.

In the first phase of its spring cleanup campaign, volunteers fanned out across Chinatown yesterday and picked up empty containers, paper, cardboard boxes and other garbage that littered the streets.

The garbage was placed into large green bags and hauled off by some of Montreal's blue-collar workers.

Tremblay used the cleanup campaign to try and repair the city's troubled relationship with its blue-collar workers, some of whom have been suspended for goofing off on the job.

He asked several workers to pose for a picture with him on a stage and then urged Chinatown residents to give them a round of applause, saying they are committed to helping beautify Montreal.

"Most of our blue-collar workers want to work," Tremblay told reporters later. "It is no fun to be laughed at every day. They want to be respected."

Pierrette Wong, the vice-president of the Chinese community centre, acknowledged Chinatown residents and merchants need to do more to keep the neighbourhood clean.

"We don't want people to say Chinatown is dirty," she said.

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