楼主: 蒙蒙
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发表于 2003-2-15 23:52 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-17 22:37 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-17 22:40 | 只看该作者
sinonet, 看上去你对孩子的教育很有心得,你住在那个区?
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发表于 2003-2-18 15:55 | 只看该作者
to 蒙蒙: That is my pleasure. As a Chinese, I'd like to let Chineses share my experince and avoid some really avoidable troubles.

sinonet said:"給了一個良好的學習環境,祇看如何去吸取運用." I can not accept such a comment at all. Quebec does not have a 良好的 English 學習環境. Particularly for those who can not receive enough English education from the public system. The fact is that in Quebec, only French is the official language and the gogernment want French always to be the dominated language. So the public French schools do not treat English education as important as French one. Simple comparing the class length of the two languages you can get you own conclusion.

In reality, majority of French school students are not bilingual, at lest fully bilingual or high standard bilingual, how could you blame the sdutents and their parents? What you really need to blame is the education system itself.

近朱者赤嘛 thoery is also having no ground. a) Learning from friends during playing is one effecient way to learn language but it certainly can not replace the systematical study. I send my child to McGill's even states'school campus every summers. My child speaks a perfect English. But he still can not well understand News and movies let alone the writings. Steet learning can not let you pass TOEFL. My Child's English is always among the best in his class. b)If most people surounding me just like myself do not speak English how can I find 朱 and being 赤?
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-18 16:05 | 只看该作者
to Sinonet and S-wt: 你们好!你是我这个话题最热心也是最诚恳的朋友,我三月二十日早上到蒙城,会住两周左右实地感受一下,很想向你们当面致谢、讨教,如果方便的话,请告诉我尊姓和联络方式,cindylichen@hotmail.com 谢谢
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发表于 2003-2-18 22:11 | 只看该作者
蒙蒙,欢迎有机会来蒙城,不论好坏都自行感受。想要找我的话,很方便,看这个连结  巨堡门-吉他歌手"黑鸟之夜" ,你就可以找得到我,我总店就在唐人街。

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发表于 2003-2-18 22:26 | 只看该作者
这里有一个网站,含列了全大蒙城中学的2002年排名,虽然只有法文版,但仍有参考价值。加上之前帖子内的学校及地址资料,你应该有不少的功课可做了。Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools, 2002 Edition
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 00:12 | 只看该作者
to sinonet, 到时一定登门拜访,see you next month.  
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发表于 2003-2-19 03:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-2-19 15:19 | 只看该作者
蒙蒙: I am very sorry that I can't meet you this time. Recently I get a new job and my family may leave Quebec soon. I do not intend to scare you to move to Montreal. I just want you to know some of the dark sides of Montreal and make you sure that you can handle them. Actually, our life has many requirements and the right decision should base on the balance or compromise of all of the factors. Some people like what I did before, knowing the downside of Montreal but have to stay there because they need a job. That is the life.

I have been bothered by my child’s English education since the day one I moved here. I want my child to be well educated and find a decent career when he grows up.  I also want he to be able of merging to mainstream society of the North American easily. A good commanding of English is one of the most important skills for that dream.

Good luck for your trip.

Sinonet, I am not trying to say who is wrong or right. Just like you said,都是天下父母心哪! That is exactly what I feel. We try our best to enjoy a better life. Thanks for your offer and I may contact you when I go back.
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