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[其他] 拿到aip后可以申请work permit么?

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发表于 2006-8-7 21:41 | 只看该作者



我今天打电话问CIC了,人家跟我说不能申work permit(我人在魁省),只能vistor或找个学校申study permit:(    work permit说是一定要employer的。


不管你有沒有雇主   你csq拿到的話就可以申請工簽或轉換公籤
理論上不會  因為cic發工簽給你不限定你人在哪裡
理論上沒道理不續  你csq都拿到了
因為我當初visitor visa都轉了
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发表于 2006-8-8 09:04 | 只看该作者
reply to sweety to hk:

I graduate from McGill, based on the Post-graduate program, we can have apply for work permit for up to 1 year, as long as you get hired. However, if you study in the cities other than Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto, your work permit can be as long as 2 years.
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发表于 2006-8-8 13:05 | 只看该作者
你要加拿大工作签证, 最关键要有人雇佣你!!
You must get a job offer first, then you can go to apply for a work permit, understand??
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发表于 2006-8-8 13:12 | 只看该作者
If your status is not a PR yet, you must get a work permit to work in Canada.

If you want to apply for a work permit, no matter where you are (in or out of Canada), you must get a job offer first.

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发表于 2006-8-8 13:14 | 只看该作者
我当然知道有雇主肯定行,只是看到happyla3344说境内等可以申work permit就问一下啊,确定一下大家的情况是不是相似才有可操作性。

您不需要用这种口气来告诉我~ be gentle~~
Post by qcsnowman
你要加拿大工作签证, 最关键要有人雇佣你!!
You must get a job offer first, then you can go to apply for a work permit, understand??
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发表于 2006-8-8 15:19 | 只看该作者
sweety to hk,

Yes, you need someone hire you first. But my point is, as an international student fresh out of school, you don't need the company who want to hire you to go thru the hustle to apply for work permit for you. YOU can apply for it all by yourself.

In order to increase your chance of getting a job, in the interview, if they ask about your immigration status, you can say that you are just a few months away from getting your landing paper, but once you get the job the work permit can last for at least one year.  

These are just some suggestion of mine, it's also how I said to my recruiters. Wish you good luck in finding a job, and wish all of us getting the Landing Paper soon!!
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发表于 2006-8-8 15:25 | 只看该作者
Forgot to mention, all you need from the company for applying the work permit is an employment letter, and a detailed job description that could show that it is related to what you studied in school.

If you are sure about the procedure, one way is to check with the CIC website, and also it's good idea to check with the international student office at your university.
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发表于 2006-8-8 19:52 | 只看该作者
thx a lot, jenny_del! you're sweet~~   

yep, wish all of us get the landing paper soon!
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发表于 2006-8-9 00:08 | 只看该作者
thx to jenny_del, you're sweet~~~  I'll go for it!

yep, wish all of us get the lending paper soon~~
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发表于 2006-8-30 13:39 | 只看该作者
因为我在montreal读的大学,在毕业后90天之内拿到offer(是你所有成绩出来那天起算哦,不是你拿到毕业证书那天起算哦), 把公司的offer信及一些相关文件,网站上都有,(但是那封offer信最重要!!!)都寄到联邦政府,他们就会给你一年的工作签证,不需要HR的approval.当初我也没有期望找到工作,只是瞎找找的,后来我告诉employer,他只要给我出一封offer信,我就可以工作,而且当时我已经在申请移民,一年之内应该可以拿到移民,(当初也没想到现在会那么慢,快2年了还没拿到) 其实当中还周折了一翻,单还是给我拿到了work permit.

一年时间到了,我的移民还没有任何音讯,我就告诉我的employer说我的work permit需要续,我想可能我工作的比较出色吧,我经理就三番两次打电话给政府询问renew work permit的事情.最后是她通过Canadian HR(montreal的办公室是在peel那边),再帮我申请新的CAQ(因为工作签证的CAQ和学生的不一样,之前第一年工作的时候我的CAQ没过期,visa也没过期就没去管它).反正折腾了满长时间的,而且一定要employer去联系Canadian HR,我打电话去人家理都不理我,叫我让我的employer直接打给他们。Anyway,我拿到approval之后,就再把所有文件寄到政府,过了没多久他们就给我了新的工作签证,不过只有一年,我老板帮我申请了5年,因为她怕到时候万一我移民没下来又要重新弄一次.

总之在毕业后一定要抓紧找工作,第一次的work permit很容易,不麻烦,第二次就麻烦很多了。
Post by sweety to hk
你是在留学生身份等移民的时候得到offer是么?那在公司面试的时候你是怎么说服人家来帮你去HR Canada办这个工签呢?一般公司都是希望有身份的啦。

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