concordia 足球俱乐部组织7vs7足球tourment,希望有兴趣的朋友来参加,报名截至日期9月30。
有意者,请发邮件到, 请附上姓名,位置,电话。 细节如下:
It's that time of year people…
Get your teams ready, your kits sorted & don't forget to bring your "A" game coz the ISSA, in association with the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime), is proud to bring you the ISSA Fall 2006 Cup.
Loyola Athletic field
•Saturday, 7th October (5pm – 11pm)
•Sunday, 8th October (9am – 3pm)
•Saturday, 14th October ( 5pm – 11pm)
•20 Teams, 7 v 7 (Goalies Included)
•Minimum 10 players per team (max 15)
First Come, First Served!!!
•$300 per team
•$30 per individual player (minimum of 9 individual players to form a team; or else money back)
Cash only!!!
•Closing Date September 30th
•!! All registration forms must be filled out on the attached word file with all player emails. Please rename the word file as your team's name and send it back to
•For individual player registration:email us your name, phone #, email and preferred playing position.
(Registration will not be confirmed until payment is received. Registered teams and players will be notified on registration closing date)
What You Are Playing For:
•All teams will competing for prizes worth over $3000 (Winner & Runner up), as well as enjoying 3 days of non-stop, end to end action.
•A portion of the profits go to the UNODC in supporting the fight against drugs in lace on Columbia
•At the end of the day, It's all For the Love of the Game !!!
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