请教各位对车比较熟悉的大侠,我的车(99年intrepid) power steering一直在漏,估计了一下,现在每天平均漏50-80ml. 去一个华人修车行看了看,师傅看了两眼(真的就是两眼,一下不多)。他说美国车开了5-6年以后都是有些漏的,建议我每两天加一下就行了。他那里生意繁忙,我说我想修一修漏的问题,他就说修一下至少300块,建议我不要修了。
I got the same problem as yours 3 months ago. Each time I put some steering fluid in, it was just gone in 2-3 days. So I went to Midas, they raised up my car(1993, Toyota Camry), a steering tube was found broken due to rust. I paid $100(cash, no tax) for a new tube, new steering fluid and 1 hour labor.
my car have leaked for more than 2 years. I think yours is no much danger.just add some fluid if need, and if possible do not turn steering wheel when the car stop.