Zeek, each one can have his or her own view. If you decide to be treated by TCM, go for it and assume the consequences associated to that. Same for Westerne medicine, in which I believe. If I am sick, I go to emergency and wait like any of you, be treated there and assume all the negative sides of the treatment.
In one word, it's useless to brag how many people TCM have survived or cured so far, you need to DOCUMENT it and report clearly the protocol used and also the what type of patients were recruited in your studies so that others hostipals can repeat your studies. You can not trust case reports or some sporadic successes to establish treatment guidelines because one treatment can not necessarily be applied to all the patients of the same disease. You need to consider other parameters such as age, comorbidities (diabetes, pulmonary diseases,...) and also be certain of the diagnostic before drawing conclusion. TCM sometimes "cured" a disease, but are you really sure that the patient had that disease or that patient simply had other pathologies which can resolve spontaneously even without treamtment? Anyways, you need evidences and you have to report and let others decide if those evidences are credibles or not.
Secondly, all drugs (either western or chinese) are composed of molecules. The distinction with traditional or western is artificial. All drugs have certain toxicities. You can not say that all the chinese medicine are extracted from plants and therefore are safe. Some plants are toxic. Furthermore, TCM promote to 吃腦部腦, 吃鞭補雄. 您們會相信這嗎? 並且在報紙上看到很多家長把小孩補到青春期提前了. 好嗎? 我不會這樣. 因為青春期提前, 小孩會比較矮小(because growth plates ossify earlier due hormonal stimulation). Hum, 這樣的醫療會讓我有信心嗎? Botox is used at very low concentration and it's used for cosmetic reasons; no one forces you to take it. Morphin is used because you have no choice: patients are in pain and you need to relieve them. However, before using morphin, there are other choices: tylenol, motrin, advil, empracet, anticonvulsivants (for neurological pains),... Out of doubts, chemotherapy is toxic but you don't want to be nice with cancer cells. You can cure with chemotherapy or use it as a adjuvant depending on the stage and type of the cancers.
有高血压的人吃了西药后十有八九会严重肾亏--你不用再打女人的主意了??? I don't get your point. You mean the drugs lower too much the pressure to cause prerenal hypotension? I guess it's quite rare because we already have trouble lowering the blood pressure. Sorry, I don't see the association between that and women?
Cretinism happens only to kids. The neurons do not divide anymore once you reach adulthood. Why does that cause mental retard? I don't get your point. Secondly, those drugs are not used in pregnant women.
Personally I did not read too much about SARS. I can not answer your questions.
TCM is a medicine based on experience of our ancestors. But it's not well controlled. You have your answer here: 当然类似你的那位老外朋友的故事我们听说的也不少, 特别是国内宣传中医的时候. 毕竟那老外是用中医是把自己当死马医, 有效果当然是运气, 没效果他也不会怨中医. You never mention how many cases you have failed to treat.
奉劝你一句,有了病千万不要吃太多的西药,好了之后就马上停掉,宁愿相信自己的身体都不要相信这些药片。西人这麽多的‘drug dependent'就是这样来的。
You are simply misleading others right now and reject the benefits of western medicine. Tell your neighbour to stop taking antibiotics for her pneumonia and see the aftermath. One last point, you should always take the antibiotic for the FULL LENGTH of time prescribed because, be careful, multi-resistant may arise. If you have to take it for 10 days for pneumonia (you HAVE to take all the pills). If you have tuberculosis, you have to take it for 6-9 months. If not, your next infection may be resistant to that drug and don't tell us stuffs like: Oh, western physicians do not know how to treat patients or they gave me too many drugs for a simple medication and it will ruin my health or they don't prescribe my kid antibiotics and he has high fever and all (high fever does not automatically imply it's bacterial)..."
我在美国认识那个50多岁的白人患者(就是他说的西医kill more than cure)原来被西医断言只能活6个月,他不信这个邪,自己找中医看,结果活了几年还是生龙活虎,后来他干脆跑到FLORIDA 的一间中医学校从头开始学中医。
Up to him. Good to know that he is still alive because TCM has CURED his illness western medicine can not cure? His cancer is gone?
You can also take this the other way around. Why don't you say how many casese initially treated by TCM failed and people seek help in western medicine and get cured? Or cases of which TCM delayed the diagnosis and few can be done afterward?
BTW, Japan is very advanced in western medicine. They have a lot of publications.
Balloon, I did not mean to offend her. I was a little bit angry seeing people blasting the health system here. If the person feels offended, please accept my apology. The health system in Canada is slow because of limited resources and the governement assumes the costs. If you have $$$, you can go to Mayo clinic. There you will get your diagnosis and treatmen the same day. One stay in a hosptal in the US can empty your pocket (e.g. 7000$US for 3 days or maybe higher, not sure.) and here you can enjoy treatments of the same quality without paying a cent. So why complaining? Balloon, I will not answer any of your post anymore.
TMD4, guess we will stop arguing. It's pointless to continue. Some people are issuing personal attacks and I hate that. Furthermore, I am aware that some other more experienced physicians (either of TCM or western medicine) are out there reading our posts and laughing at our ignorance. Anyways, I admit that I have lots of things ahead of me to learn, I will do my best to keep myself up to date and offer my best. |