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发表于 2001-9-18 11:03 | 只看该作者
continue your guessing game if it entertains you. i don't know whats the meaning of interperate other people's display name here. cheap people deserve cheap game only. anyway, will i kill a crazy dog with my hands? no, i am not in the industry of hunting animals. leave you alone to bark seems to be the only rational choice. call me wang8, wa9.... just use your imaginations. you are a crazy dog living in a fantasy world.
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发表于 2001-9-18 18:03 | 只看该作者
hey wang8,

it is getting interesting...   ...

so you didn't smoke anything. it is your natural syndrome of hyper-hysteria..      ...no wonder...

seriously, you should take some pills. you have a long way in front of you to go...9 years, oh no! 3 years maybe for you, for actuary exams, 1 year?? for m.d. 1 year?? for bar exam, and 6 months for pilot test (watchout this one though, they have tighened up security, a "vest" or chinese "马甲"might not help, they've already figured out that trick )...     ...

and what will you do for the rest of the days...you've got a thousand years for your life...entertaining is a must..   ..for me, and maybe some prestigious financial institutions will bid for you and keep you as a "mascot"...hoping that they will "live happily thereafter...."     ...they will pay us$15,000 a month...so that you will have a very decent life...in a glass, no, crystal cage....
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-9-19 13:54 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-9-19 14:39 | 只看该作者
it depends who you are.
to the person i know, sure we should be really careful about what we are saying.
but to my friend, i never afraid to deliver what i believe is correct. please believe me, in real life, i am well beloved by my friends. i have no enemy at all.
on this BBS, i made many posts. it may sounds offsive to many many readers, but i truely believe if you read it in a postive attitude, it will benifit you in great time.
i will stop using bad words with all reader, no matter you agree with my point or against it. i won't ask your respect, but i will certainly respect all other readers.
thank you
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发表于 2001-9-19 20:41 | 只看该作者
出国,去北美,曾经是多少有志青年的梦想,记得上学的时候,不少有志之士耳边听着 VOA(Voice Of America)墙上挂着 The Map of USA,可谓身在中国心向北美。然而,靠留学到北美的毕竟凤毛麟角。中加两国互不接收独立移民的协定在1995年到期未续签以后,北美的大门哗啦一下敞开了,来北美一夜之间变得简单而容易了。



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 楼主| 发表于 2001-9-20 13:46 | 只看该作者
I am glad that wnag8's new atitude. You are in the real world and always want to wake up some daydreamers. At least, I think you dare to say what you want to say.

To xianren, i am very agree your opinion. When some friends in China ask me about how to get here, I really don't encourage some of them. Since to my opinion, they are not siutable for liveing aboard. However, how about myself?? I still have doubt what I have done is right or not??  :confused:
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发表于 2001-9-21 12:21 | 只看该作者
找“感觉”,好时髦的词儿。查了一下《红氏大辞典》(Compiled by: Redneck, 1st Edition),得到如下解释:

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发表于 2001-9-21 13:56 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2001-9-21 23:30 | 只看该作者
出来后,你将很快就知道你余下的日子(何止二十年)将是什么样的了...我常看到很多这里的老华侨一脸茫然,没任何表情...好象在等死...这是一个没激情的地方! 死未.不过,出来了,可以有别的选择(当然包括杀回去)...也不少.这应该是出来的好处.
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发表于 2001-9-22 18:20 | 只看该作者
When I really ttoo boring here,
I will go some whereelse or try to find sth new..

At least now you could still enjoy the dancing clubs and could pretend to be a student or could pretent to be a helpless, but why should we get reeducation here? why should we work for jobs far unqualify for us? I try not to be a slay of the Civilized, so I decide to taste a big  in the bars,the casinos,the views and of course many the...

Well this is your real life, your steps are here now for real, you can always turn towards other ways, but make sure it's real and not a step in dreams only, so watch your step.
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