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发表于 2006-11-6 17:23 | 只看该作者


法语/英语/西班牙语/俄语/葡萄牙语......都有类似的表达.如果说一件事情太难、太复杂、难以理解. 法语可以有两种类似的表达: c'est en chine 或者 c'est chinois.


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发表于 2006-11-8 17:22 | 只看该作者
Yep, just asked my quebecois colleague in the office, what will it mean if people say: C'est pas chinois? He answered: means this is not complicated, because Chinese language is very complicated.

Ok, everyone, I was angry before I asked him this question. Now, no more anger, everybody.  It's true, if they really wanted to mean the merchandise is not from China, the French would be: C'est pas de Chine.

I don't think those Quebecois dare of writting some obviously humiliating words about Chinese or China or any ethnics in pulic like that, otherwise, they can be sued for that. ;)
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发表于 2006-11-9 01:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-11-27 16:03 | 只看该作者
It's a strange sentence, but I think I can explain what it means.  

(1) "Battre les prix" literally translate "To beat prices", which means "offering better prices than the competitors", or "beating the prices of competitors".

(2) "C'est pas chinois" literally is "It's not Chinese."  In French, we refer to the Chinese language to designate the complexity of a situation. When we are confronted to something that we don't understand, we say : "This is Chinese to me" , meaning that we don't understand. So, when someone says "C'est pas chinois" ("It's not Chinese"), it means that "it's not hard to understand" or "it's simple".

In conclusion, "Battre les prix, c'est pas chinois", means "Beating our competitors' prices is not difficult."
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发表于 2006-12-17 18:37 | 只看该作者
让利,降价不是难事 尽可能的让利于顾客
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发表于 2006-12-18 01:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-12-18 22:05 | 只看该作者

Post by blackcoffe

歧视本身是一种心理意识的反应。如果你靠着游行,抗议把看得见的歧视压下去了, 但是人家心里面的歧视你又如何能够消除。同时, 我们中国人自己对黑人, 印巴人, 农村人, 穷人,文化层次低的人,某省人等等等等的歧视,有人会来这么敏感地提出来, 抗议甚至游行吗?

我们之所以那么敏感地感受到歧视, 根本原因就是因为我们中国人, 骨子里面就是一个喜欢歧视别人的民族。我们从政策, 文学作品, 俚语等等方面创造了很多歧视别人的语句,习惯和思想, 因此, 我们也特别容易能够感受到别人给我们的歧视, 甚至, 我们比歧视我们的人还能挖掘出他的歧视语言中的深层歧视。

所以, 要想不被人歧视, 或者说, 不觉得被人歧视, 第一, 先不要歧视他人, 第二, 自强不息, 做好自己应该做的事情。
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发表于 2006-12-20 18:43 | 只看该作者

C'est du chinois

From a Quebecois: its a local saying pertaining to complexity of the mentionned subject as most caucasians find the Chinese spoken and written language to be extremely complexe and difficult. Anybody finding any hint of racism in this may need to review his understanding of north american culture. Loosen up a little ;) .
Daniel 拜拜!
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发表于 2007-1-3 18:36 | 只看该作者
Funny, this is still going on!

Battre les prix, C'est pas chinois!

If we know how the Chinese in China compete against each other in the commercial battlefields( maybe they are competing in a better way now?), then nobody will benefit, they will work 18 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week for nothing while sacrifizing their family life, their kids & their health. Maybe I am not talking about the big business people. They still benefit because they have millions of small people working for them. So, Battre les prix, C'est pas chinois. They have better ways, ways that don't kill everybody inlcuding themselves!

Post by xu3331
Battre les prix, c'est pas chinois. 本人数十年弄法文,这句法文理解很简单。

C'est (du) chinois 意为:难,不好弄懂。 则, c'est pas chinois 为: 不难,容易。

如此,原文含义是: 减价,大家都懂吧? 我们减价。

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发表于 2007-1-3 18:53 | 只看该作者
If we only see: C'est pas du chinois, then Kat is right. But if it is used together with

Battre les prix, c'est pas chinois. It means something else.

Whatever it means, it is not necessary to feel paranoide. Chinese don't have to be so right all the time, if so, life won't be happy & light hearted. Chinese should learn to laugh at themselves ( I learn to do that myself ). Everybody has the right to understand things from their ability( angle ). It won't change nothing if we really know where we stand. Bla Bla Bla is just Bla Bla Bla!
Post by Kat
From a Quebecois: its a local saying pertaining to complexity of the mentionned subject as most caucasians find the Chinese spoken and written language to be extremely complexe and difficult. Anybody finding any hint of racism in this may need to review his understanding of north american culture. Loosen up a little ;) .
Daniel 拜拜!
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