comeon, baby!!! only 6 months, you start to call montreal home and can't squeeze into your hometown environment? how pathetic!!!
i feel embarassed to be a chinese because we have so many "tweetys" around, and that's the sadness of our chinese.
i spend most of my life in cananda, but i still call china home. everytime i went back home, i would be sick for a week due to the air pollution, but i won't complain nothing, because i love my home and i love to be sick in my home. yes, taxi drivers are agreesive in china, but if you ever have a chance been to NYC, you will know they diver in a similar manner. i love china, i love its uncleaned air, uncivilized citizen, lawless society, and corrputed goverment.... its not perfect and sometime ngly, but we only can blame ourselves, becasue we are the component of it, we are the atom who constitute china. canada might be a more resonable society, but we are just the guests, we will learn the management skill here to utilize it one day in china. to bad, i have a heavy burden to carry, but i was born in china and i am a chinese.
for the people who only appriciate the physical comfortness will never get the comfortness if he has a tendency to forget who he trully is and where he is from.
tweety, you are homeless since you're neither montrealer (i.e. you can't communicate well in etiher english or french) nor chinese. |