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发表于 2006-10-19 12:05 | 只看该作者
Post by chenhui



看不下眼过来说两句, 网络的东西是一个虚拟的世界, 真的没时间常来, 写真名只是想在这里捞点稻草, 找点客户而已. 但任何营销方式都好, 但不要以专家自居, 说些不明不白,违背常理的事情. 你的买房和投资哪个更好一文, 简直出了大家的丑. 有一点常识的人都懂, 房产从长期看, 最能抵抗通货膨胀, 抛弃投资增长问题, 买方还可提高生活品质, 安家立业吗.
不要把浅薄无知当诚实,不要 把打睹叫版当勇气.
我是谁没关系, 你自己却要摆好你顾问的心态, 在这里找客户, 也要多学一点, 多为客户着想一点, 多为自己留电面子.

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发表于 2006-10-19 12:14 | 只看该作者
Post by chenhui



对不起, 马甲是啥? 我是网盲, 但看这词想起某年的春节小品. 好象说: " 你以为穿上马夹我就不认识你了吗?", 如果你有多余的马夹,借我一件也行.

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发表于 2006-10-19 16:58 | 只看该作者


周艳女士,曹成先生,王毅诚先生,曹寿康先生,楼永新先生,国联金融保险公司的沈宜超,李 娅,加拿大皇家银行保险公司的黎仲冰均是Financial Security Advisor,以RENNA看来,属于低级的执照。以RENNA看来,经常举办财富讲座的曹成先生(Financial Security Advisor)岂不是属于自诩为专家之类杨闰秋女士Financial Security Advisor周艳女士(Financial Security Advisor),蒋红女士不是Investment Executive,也属于RENNA所说的招摇撞骗,持低级执照,淹没了某孙姓女士的一大堆所谓的专家之类

RENNA,你的确是很有水平。不过,建议你和你的Executive去听听曹成先生的财富讲座,虽然曹成先生不是Investment Executive,持你所说的低级执照,但水平至少比你强上百倍。

RENNA杨闰秋女士也是持Financial Security Advisor属于你所说的低级执照!

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发表于 2006-10-19 17:00 | 只看该作者
周艳女士,曹成先生,王毅诚先生,曹寿康先生,楼永新先生,国联金融保险公司的沈宜超,李 娅,加拿大皇家银行保险公司的黎仲冰均是Financial Security Advisor,以RENNA看来,属于低级的执照。以RENNA看来,经常举办财富讲座的曹成先生(Financial Security Advisor)岂不是属于自诩为专家之类杨闰秋女士Financial Security Advisor周艳女士(Financial Security Advisor),蒋红女士不是Investment Executive,也属于RENNA所说的招摇撞骗,持低级执照,淹没了某孙姓女士的一大堆所谓的专家之类

RENNA,你的确是很有水平。不过,建议你和你的Executive去听听曹成先生的财富讲座,虽然曹成先生不是Investment Executive,持你所说的低级执照,但水平至少比你强上百倍。

RENNA杨闰秋女士也是持Financial Security Advisor属于你所说的低级执照!

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发表于 2006-10-19 20:24 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2006-10-19 21:34 | 只看该作者
Miss or Mr. Tongyun, 你的脾气好大呀,大字报哦,还是红色的,你比老毛子还要厉害,看来国家主席的位子应该由你来"坐“呀!

网络是个自由发表言论的地方,只要不涉及到他人的人身攻击就好,我就看不出CHEN 和 RENNA 有什么不对的地方,大家都是发表自己的感想嘛,各位抱着看热闹的心态就行,别那么当真,下了网以后,该干嘛的去干嘛。 还有,既然那些ADVISOR们个个都“抛头露面”的出来打广告,就应该预料到会给别人指指点点,不管是好的还是坏的。这样的心理压力都承受不了,怎么做大事!:eek!:
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发表于 2006-10-19 21:47 | 只看该作者

常见的金融服务资格有四种(必须在L'Autorite des marche financiers注册)
1。 financial security advisor. 提供保险及相关产品
2。 mutual fund representative 提供互惠基金服务
3。 investment advisor  提供各种投资服务
4。 financial planner 提供理财服务(包括财务,税务,司法,退休,遗产继承,投资,保险及风险管理七个方面)


以上四种资格都不难获得,前三种需要1-2月的学习并通过相关考试即可。 financial planner 需完成IQPF 的financial planner diploma(full time one year).

也有人有以上四种资格,但只在L'Autorite des marche financiers注册1-2种资格,那他就只能提供其注册资格允许的服务。否则也是非法的。这个叫持证上岗
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发表于 2006-10-20 09:29 | 只看该作者
The difficulty to obtain these licenses is relative. For those who were educated here and obtained advanced degrees or have excellent language skills, it might not be difficult to study and obtain the licenses. And in Quebec, you need to have at least a college degree to qualify to sit for the financial security advisor license exam. But for many of those new immigrants who bark around here and aimlessly try to belittle the advisors, they simple do not have the education or language level to even be recruited in the first place. And it takes much more than that to stay and succeed in the business, where people and networking skills as well as continuing education and hard working are also essential. Chinese  working in this field are among the most educated, many of them having MBA or other Master Degrees and extensive financial work experiene. That is a benefit to the community.

It is like opening a restaurant. It is not that difficult to get a operating license, it is the same procedure for a small noodle shop or a five-star restaurant. From there, it is the owner's capital, managment and food count in its success. For some restaurants, they might not want to serve alcohol, so they do not apply for a liqor license, even if it is easy for them to do so. So a small bistro can not happen to apply for one, and say "hey we are the real full-service restaurant, we are superior to the top-rated restaurant in the city!"

Some people would say "look, there are so many restaurants flooding the streets of the city and they all claim to be good, they must be cheap and not good, because it seems easy to open one." For those who have the capacity, it is easy, but for those commentors, they might not have what it takes to open one. And there are good or bad restaurants anywhere, just like in any other industry. It is "buyer beware" and the competition will weed out the bad ones in the long turn. Restaurants exist for a reason, and one can not say "let us boycott all the restaurants because some of them are bad".

Good restaurnants are all busy serving their clients well, and do not have time to argue with unreasonable outsiders. It does not affect their bottom line at all. And you can not expect a nice meal for free. You usually get what you pay for.

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发表于 2006-10-20 09:53 | 只看该作者


Post by igotone

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发表于 2006-10-20 10:09 | 只看该作者
And you are like a guy who is broke and can not afford the service anyway and think to himself that he is sought after and he is obliged to decline as if he does not want to go there.

The reality is that you do not have the resource to get that kind of service, and they are after the wrong customer. Then you shout out that you are a prize in their eyes, but you do not want to deal with them because you look down upon them and do not want other people who can afford it to go there too.

A Q? Does that sound familiar to you, Mr. L&B?
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