Really thanks to all the friends who are so patient in writing such long articles to me! Thank you for your concern!
I went to work as usual these days, and really out of energy.
Superstar, I admire and respect your courage and the spirit of independence. As you said, we never seperated since our marrage. Though everytime I went out to make myself calm, i went back after he went to work, because there was nobady took care of my baby. But he is really too "jue qing"! He never managed to look for me or even make a phone call to my friend's home even he know i was there. And he has been forcing me to make this decision.
To You Ku Nan Yan:
I will always be in your side and you can contact me by e-mail anytime to '' if you want to talk to me.I am in Montreal now and which city you are in Canada?
Take care and be happy everyday.