我们去WAL--MART换的冬胎,我们要求换GOOD YEAR 换完后发现是MAGNE GREP 牌子的,但计算的价格是按COOD YEAR 的.回去找他门,他们说这两个牌子是同一厂家生产的,都属于COOD YEAR的.感觉有种被欺骗的感觉,明明我们跟他说的要前者,想不明白他们为什么给我们换上后者.请教各位这两种品牌质量上有什么区别?不知道哪个好些? 如果有区别,也给大家提个醒,千万要小心WAL--MART别在上当拉.
I can't image a big company like walmart would hv made this kind of thing happen. They're liable for the mistake even though the two kinds of tires u mentioned r the same price, provided u hv ordered goodyear tire clearly and no communication problems at all. BTW, how much did u spend for a set of 4 tires?
I wish u would hv asked to c the supervisor while u were turned in by the workers. A serious complaint is must at that time. Be tough when u r fooled next time.