楼主: lh
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发表于 2002-4-26 01:05 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-4-30 00:02 | 只看该作者
To Ih

What you said is based on the solid spousal relations. Of course, a husband should well treat his wife, however, from what your original story, it seems you are on the margin of the spousal relation. Suppose what your original story is true, can you rely on your conclusion that husband should better treat his wife even if he has a new girl friend or he has found someone something like his ex-lover?
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-4-30 17:46 | 只看该作者
To passerby113:
  You have a good question. I do not know what will happy in furture. But I hope better thing is going on. The story is ture.
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发表于 2002-4-30 22:40 | 只看该作者
To Ih: In my opinion, nothing wrong with the wife who deeply love her husband,on the contry, something wrong with the lady who is a butterfly. The butterflyer interested in every man who can be cheated.
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发表于 2002-5-3 21:42 | 只看该作者
依我之见, 我好象也有过这种情况, 你知道我是什么想呢?
1.我发先对方那个女孩子还是很有魅力,起码眼睛一眨, 眉毛一动,说话的神态很美, 我喜欢看. 也许在自己妻子身上看不到,或者很久没有看到.
2.自己虽然结婚了, 也发现自己的魅力依然如故,起码这魅力不是对所有女孩子有效力, 但是对其中的一部分也许有效, 自己的心还是会砰动,血压也会升高. 其他的不说, 起码是别人对你长相或者举止的一种肯定, 心里当然开心.
3.接着, 我想, 我愿意和她交朋友, 因为我喜欢,所以有了亲近感. 至于我旁边的妻子, 当然了, 我会搂她一下, 拉她一起进入我们的话题,这样她就不会想更多想. 最后呢, 结论就是, 此女虽然有魅力加美丽, 但是我妻子还是要比她更好更实际, 我们还有爱, 别的女人好,别的女人漂亮, 也许还不适合. 所以我还是爱着我的妻子.
4.本人没有什么怪异的行为,所以偶尔多看每女几眼, 妻子就当作你饱饱眼福.
5.也常常夸奖妻子很美,很漂亮, 其实她也在怀疑她是否真的世界上最漂亮的女人. 哈, 她还怀疑, 那就有点当真了, 其实呢这个东西,才到哪呢, 好女人, 就象艺术馆里珍, 很有悬赏价值的. 不过这些话只是经常在肚子里头自己对自己讲而已.
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发表于 2002-5-4 23:11 | 只看该作者
I think the wife is a trouble-maker.  The reason for the husbanmd's over-reaction is that the husband was deeply slandered by the wife.
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-5 19:49 | 只看该作者
To lonely-single-man:
  May be you are right. But I think, for any reason the husband could not be over-reaction to his wife. If he is educated. Like fresherman said:
The feeling is real sensitive, it easy get hurt.
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发表于 2002-5-5 21:28 | 只看该作者

Suppose that your husband has a good friend (male).  When he was talking with your husband, He always looks at you. There was something in his eyes.  After the leaving of your husband’s friend, your husband said that you have done something with this guy exceeding the friend limit, what should be your reaction if you do nothing with this guy?  The problem is from this guy not your husband.  Do you agree?
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-6 10:28 | 只看该作者
To lonely-single-man:
Yes, I agree with you."The problem is from this guy not your husband. the wife is not a trouble-maker.
  If I am in this story, I never be over-reaction. I can do something to make my husband truse me, and do not rough to my husband, because
I know my husband loves me, so disagree with that guy.
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发表于 2002-5-6 12:44 | 只看该作者
象linqr说的:‘我妻子还是要比她更好更实际, 我们还有爱’,男人是很讲实际的,但凡妻子还有一分好,还能让他心中有一分爱,一般不会有什么故事发生。(当然看两眼之类的事不算什么故事,爱美之心人皆有之,恐怕妻子也常不自觉地欣赏帅哥,不必大惊小怪)
一旦故事发生,发展和结局更完全掌握在妻子手中,全看妻子怎么做,she is the boss!
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