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西瓜眼里的世界 (照片集)

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发表于 2004-6-11 16:12 | 只看该作者

大西瓜大,小西瓜小.大西瓜比大西瓜大,小西瓜比小西瓜小.<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->

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发表于 2004-6-11 16:45 | 只看该作者


Beer is so good here in Canada. Pubs and bars are full around the city. When the night just came right after the sunset, local pubs and bars and dance club are full with people's laughs and jokes. It is a great place.

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发表于 2004-7-8 01:21 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-26 11:47 | 只看该作者

刚刚做好了加东游的计划, 请大家帮忙提点意见. :)

该去玩了!  西瓜打算和彩虹在8月去加东三省玩, 在参考了一些网友的游记后和Halifax的朋友的意见后, 做了这个计划. 希望有经验的朋友给点宝贵的意见, 让我把这个plan 做完善.

Day 1
早上8:30 出发. 出发前打电话1 800 561-0123订旅馆. 18:00 到达HARTLAND(世界最长的廊桥, 电影”廊桥遗梦”的拍摄地点. 19:00 离开HARTLAND 22:00 到达ST JOHN, 住进motel(先预定).
#1 http://www.sjnow.com/balmoral/ $59
#2 http://www.fundybaymotel.com/our_rates.html $45
廊桥: 1901年建,390米长. Direction: Off route 2, Exit 170, between Routes 102 and 105
Montreal—Hartland: 8 hrs, 20mins
Hartland---- St John: 3 hrs
NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999

Day 2
8:30 离开ST JOHN, 沿Fundy Coastal Drive开,这一段的Coastal Drive风景不错. 10:30到Fundy National Park, 公园里有不同的Hiking Trail, 有的是观赏公园里丰富的植物种类,有的是观赏海岸边千姿百态的岩石. 到达公园拿了hiking资料再选2条hiking trail. 4小时后, 15:30离开. 18:30 到 CAPE D’OR (Nova Scotia)扎好帐篷后去看日落。我一个住Halifax的朋友说Cape D’or 的景色和Cape Breton差不多美,只是风格不同. 这里的岩石含很高质量的铜, 在附近海滩能拣到纯的小铜块或者碧玉. 这里还有很多远古的化石, 有世界上落差最大的潮汐.
#1. $20 Spencer’sIsland campground, with washroom, shower, store., laundromat
#2. $18 Fundy Tides Campground, shower, washrooms, firepits
#3. $21 Cape ChignectoProvincial park campground
St John--- Fundy National park: 2hrs
Funday National Park--- Cape D’or: 3hrs
Cael Tel: 902 670 0534 , $70 per night.
(campe D’OR Hotel:
Nova Scotia Information and reservations: 1-800-565-000

Day 3
8:30在CAPE D’OR附近走Ward Fall Hiking Trail, 12:00 离开,车上吃午饭, 前往DIGBY附近的East Ferry. 18:30 到达East Ferry, 扎好帐篷,去Digby附近的渔村吃Scallop, “扇贝”。 Digby号称是世界Scallop之都。晚上在east ferry CAMPING。如果满了,或者太累就住hotel
#1 Campground
(902)834-2025 $20 with shower, canteen, Laundromat
#2 http://www.oldevillageinn.com/rates98.html $85 (hotel)
Cape D’or---Digby: 6 hrs
Digby--- East Ferry: 40 Mins.

Day 4
8:30开车去码头坐9:30的船看鲸鱼, 观鲸大概要3--4小时。14:00开车前往灯塔之路—Lighthouse Route ,从Digby直奔LIVERPOOL,然后转入灯塔之路. 16:30到Lunenburg,停留1小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩,各种颜色都有,非常漂亮. 17:30沿灯塔之路前往Peggy Cove,20:00前到达,并在此看日落。晚上住在Peggy Cove附近camping或MOTEL。
#1 Indian Harbour washrooms, showers, fireplace $16
#2 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, whowers, fireplaces, ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25
#1 http://www.oceanstone.ns.ca/html/rate_card.html $85
#2 http://www.nsinns.com/BearRiverInnByTheBrook.htm $85
#3 http://www.geocities.com/cliftycovemotel/ $70
#4 http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/lovers-lane/ $70
Free post---Lunenburg: 3,17hrs (pass by Liverpool)
Lunenburg---Peggy Cove: 1 hr
Whale watching:
#1 http://www.marinercruises.ns.ca/cruises.html $36
#2 http://www.brierislandwhalewatch.com/ $42
#3 http://www.ppww.ca/html/trip.html $45. no ferry

Day 5
8:30离开,经过HALIFAX,短暂参观一下, 然后前往Cape Breton。16:00到达Breton Cape的Ingonish,先扎好帐篷,然后在附近hiking, 漫步沙滩,Kayak. 在information 取了资料后再定hiking路线.
1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground, washroom, showers, kitchen, $20
#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70
#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast
#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55
Halifax----Ingonish: 6 hrs.

Day 6
8:30出发,沿Cabot Trail慢慢的走,中途在Cheticamp附近山上HIKING。晚上住在Cheticamp附近(Motel)。
1. Cheticamp campground $23
2. Plage Saint Pierre, shower, washroom, fire, ice, laundromat $23 http://www.cheticamp.ca/lestroispignons/plage/plage-facilities-eng.htm
#1 http://capebretonisland.com/cheticamp/merrysmotel/contact.htm $45
#2 http://cheticampns.com/cheticampoutfitters/ $50--$85
Ingonish----Cheticamp: 1hr, 30mins

Day 7
7:50开车到Caribou坐渡轮,12:20到渡轮处, 坐12:45的船, 过渡大概1小时。 14:00到达PEI的WOOD LAND。 在INFORMATION拿资料,开车前往EAST POINT。晚上在附近CAMPING。
Redpoint campground:
http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=1491&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $22 shower, washroom, fire,
Cheticamp---Caribou: 4 hours, 36 minutes
Ferry: (0800), 0930, 1115, 1245, 1445, 1615, 1800, 1930, 2100
PEI information centre: 1-888-734-7529

Day 8
早上4:30起床看日出。开车前往CAVENDISH, 扎好帐篷!在CAVENDISH 附近的NATIONAL PARK游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,享受沙滩,海水。中午去RUSTICO的Fisherman Wharf吃龙虾大餐。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3906&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E Fully service, $22
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=1498&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $26
East Point--- Cavendish: 1hr 30min

Day 9
8:30 停留在CAVENDISH,继续休闲,并参观安妮的小木屋。中午过后开去North Cape,开车走走乡村路,,并沿西边的海岸往下开到Charlottetown。在城里参观。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3906&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=1498&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3908&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND
Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
Charlottetown---North Cape: 2hrs
Charlottetown---summerside: 1hr

Day 10
8:30 离开PEI,过世界上最长的跨海桥Confederation Bridge. 过桥后沿Acadian Coastal Drive走. 经过龙虾村, 在龙虾村附近吃龙虾 .大概19:00 到达CAMPBELLTON, 这里的峡湾是世界上最美的两个峡湾之一(另一个是挪威的大峡湾). 在此住一晚.
1. http://www.maritimeinninc.com/en/index.html $95
2. http://sanfar.bizland.com/
3. http://bbcanada.com/4384.html $60—90
Charlottetown--- CAMPBELLTON: 9 hrs.(Follow Acadian Coastal Drive)

Day 11
8:30 开车回MONTREAL. 19:00左右回到MONTREAL
CAMPBELLTON—Montreal: 9 hrs.

(注:现在PEI,NS日落时间21:00, 预计8月15号左右是20:30—20:40之间)

NB: http://www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
PEI: http://www.peiplay.com
NS: http://novascotia.com
NF: http://www.gov.nf.ca/tourism


1. 租车 12 days
$900 Discount Car

2. 住宿
10 Days: $70+$22+$22+$90+$22+$23+$22+$22+$22+$90= $405

3. Whale watching
$45 x 2= $90

4. Food
$20 x 2 x 11= $440

5. National park Fee:
$5 x 2 x 4= $40

6. Confederation Bridge fee

7. Kayaking
$45 x 2 = $90

8. Gas
Gas: 5000Km = $400

Total: $ 2,404

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-7-28 21:27 | 只看该作者



活动详情请到 CCSA 主页 (http://alcor.concordia.ca/~ccsa/)

时间:JULY 31 2004(SATURDAY),上午九点出发,


报名方法: 发邮件到ccsa@alcor.concordia.ca


CCSA(Concordia Chinese Students Association) 将为大家提供运动饮料和Energy Bar 和全程组织.


我的生活: [url=\"http://wellsxu99.spaces.live.com/\"]http://wellsxu99.spaces.live.com/ :)[/url]
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-6 11:40 | 只看该作者
参考了大家的意见和几个刚从那边回来的朋友的意见, 把计划做了精简和修改, 终于做好了FINAL PLAN. 等回来后, 再说说这个PLAN的不足, 给大家一个参考.


内置电气泵气床: $69, 驱蚊水: $9, COOLER $27, 汽车直/交流转换器 $35, 小型煤气炉+8个气罐 $36,方便面2箱$28, 腊肠6包$12, 八宝粥12罐$14, 午餐肉,烧烤汁等罐头$15,

帐篷, 睡袋, 挂灯, 4米电源线(我们预约的Campsite有电源), 驱蚊喷雾2瓶,防嗮油2瓶,芦荟胶一瓶,小药箱(蛇药,退热片,感冒药,黄连素, 易蒙停, 止血贴,伤口消毒水,消炎药,烫伤膏, 牛黄解毒丸….),小冰箱,烧烤叉2个,蜂蜜,烧烤酱,易燃木10块,打火机2个,旧报纸一叠, 毛毯一张,睡袋, DOBLE SIZE气床(带气泵),指南针,望远镜,瑞士军刀,雨布,轻便雨衣, 游泳装备, 小煤气炉, 洗碗布, 洗洁精, 方便面1箱, 蜡肠若干包, 八宝粥一箱, 罐头若干, 开罐头器, 开红酒器, 厨房剪刀, 煤气炉, 煤气, 锅, 一小包米, 油, 盐, 糖, 咖啡

1. 在PEI上有种三叶草(Poison Ivy)是有毒的,不能触摸。这种草一般比较低矮,在路边野草里,每三片叶子连在一起。触摸后会引起皮肤的红肿和奇痒,但不会有生命危险。

2. PEI的游泳时,不能游太开,离岸远的地方会有非常急的暗流会把人拖离海岸,如果被卷入暗流,必须与海岸平行的方向游,脱离了暗流后才可以往岸边游。

For Kayaking, Please bring:
sunglasses, lotion, hat, bathing suit, footwear.
if the weather is cool, a windbreaker and extra sweater
raingear and extra clothes, if necessary

现在PEI, NS日落时间20:360, 预计8月15号左右是20:30.
Day 1:
早上8:00 出发. 出发前打电话订旅馆,出发前订Peggy’s Cove的CAMPSITE,连住两天!
晚上23:00 到Nappan, 住MOTEL.

#1. $20 Spencer’sIsland campground, with washroom, shower, store., laundromat
#2. $18 Fundy Tides Campground, shower, washrooms, firepits
#3. $21 Cape ChignectoProvincial park campground Montréal---Advocate Harbour: 13hours, 1034.9 Km

Driving time:
Montreal---Springhill: 11 hrs, 13mins
Montreal---Maccan(Nappan): 11 hrs, 11mins

NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
• Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999
• Weather-1-506-658-2558
Nova Scotia Information and reservations: 1-800-565-0000
Day 2:
Cape D’OR白天在附近游玩. 走Ward Fall Hiking Trail。 下午14:00 前离开, 直奔Peggy’s Cove,17:00 到达Peggy’s Cove。 先扎帐篷, 然后再游玩, 并在Peggy’s cove看日落。 晚上住在Peggy Cove附近camping.
Teddy 做的CAMPSITE预定, 带电源的. $25

#1 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, whowers, fireplaces, ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25 (902)823-2547, 823-2271 , Reserved.

#2 Indian Harbour washrooms, showers, fireplace $16 (902)823-2582

订DAY 4 cape Breton, ingonish的CAMPSITE!!! 订好DAY 5 Pleasant Bay的motel 和 DAY 6 Whale seeing的票。
Driving time:
Cape D’or--- Peggy’s Cove: 3hrs , 261km
Cape D’OR---Liverpool: 4hrs , 353km
Day 3:

8:30 走灯塔之路.在Lunenburg,停留2小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩,各种颜色都有,非常漂亮. 如果风景不错, 一直开到Liverpool再回头。 中午左右出发去Halifax,游览Maritime Museum of Atlantic和Halifax Citadel National Historic Park. 晚上离开Halifax, 回到Peggy cove营地.。 晚上回Peggy’s Cove营地。

Halifax-Lunenburg: 1hr, 90km
Halifax---Liverpool: 1hr, 40mins, 150 km
Halifax---Peggy’s cove: 35mins

Day 4:
进入CAPE BRETON前准备好充足的引用水。
8:30离开,前往Cape Breton。订好DAY 6 的Cheticamp 的CAMPSITE!!!
15:30到达Breton Cape的Ingonish,先扎好帐篷,然后在附近hiking, 漫步沙滩,Kayak. 在information 取更详细的资料.
1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground, washroom, showers, kitchen, $20

#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70
#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast
#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55

Halifax----Ingonish: 6 hrs.
Whale seeing http://www.whaleandsealcruise.com/ $25 25% if take the 9:30 and 5pm one. PLEASANT BAY
Campsite reservation: 1-877-737-3783
From mainland Nova Scotia
If travelling from mainland Nova Scotia, across the Canso Causeway, you can either take Trans Canada Highway 105 to just outside Baddeck and follow the Cabot Trail north to Margaree Forks and Cheticamp, or follow Route 19 (the Ceilidh Trail) along the west coast of Cape Breton Island to Margaree Forks, then follow the Cabot Trail to Cheticamp. Driving time for either route is 2.5 hours.
As you travel through the Park, approximately every 30 kilometres there is a small town or village offering many services and amenities.
Information Centres Hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Day 5:

8:30出发,沿Cabot Trail慢慢的走,中途在山上HIKING。晚上住在Pleasant Bay的motel. Pleasant Bay 和 Cheticamp的SNOW CRAB很棒!订好DAY 7 wood island附近的motel.
1 http://www.cabottrail.com/MountainView/ $70

Ingonish--- Pleasant Bay: 50mins
Pleasant Bay ---- Cheticamp: 50 mins


Day 6:

早上8:00起来, 早上9:30的船看鲸鱼。大概11:30看完,继续走Carbot Trail。订好 DAY 8,9 Cavendish的CAMPSITE,连住2晚. 晚上住在Cheticamp附近.

1. http://capebretonisland.com/chetica...tel/contact.htm $45
http://cheticampns.com/cheticampoutfitters/ $50--$85

Ingonish----Cheticamp: 1hr, 30mins

Day 7:

早上继续在Carbot Trail附近游玩.
下午14:00 开车到Caribou坐渡轮,18:40到渡轮处, 坐19:30的船, 过渡大概1小时, 在渡船上可以吃晚餐。 20:30到达PEI的WOOD ISLAND。晚上在附近motel住.
From Borden-Carleton to Dalvay----
Follow Route #2 east, turn onto Route #25 through to Stanhope then onto Route #6 to the Dalvay entrance of Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Borden-Carleton to Cavendish
Follow the Trans-Canada Hwy to Route 1A through to Kensington, follow Route #6 through to Cavendish.
From Wood Islands to Brackley
Take Trans-Canada Highway through to Charlottetown follow Route #2 to Route #15 through too the Brackley entrance to Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Charlottetown to Greenwich
Take Route #2 east through the village of St. Peter's, then onto Route #313

Cheticamp---Caribou: 4 hours, 36 minutes

Ferry: (0800), 0930, 1115, 1245, 1445, 1615, 1800, 1930, 2100
PEI information centre: 1-888-734-7529

Entrance Kiosks Cavendish : 9:00 am - 7:00 pm


Day 8:

早上8:30 开车前往CAVENDISH, 扎好帐篷!在CAVENDISH 附近的NATIONAL PARK游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,Biking, 享受沙滩,海水。Brackley的水比较暖. 中午去RUSTICO的Fisherman Wharf吃龙虾大餐, 这里有很多的生耗和青口!!!岛上拥有3 条最令人慑服的开车旅游路线。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E Fully service, $22
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $26

Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
http://www.peikayak.ca/tours.html $48 halfday tour

Greenwich features three hiking trails varying in length from 1.25 km to 4.5 kms


Day 9:
8:30 停留在CAVENDISH,继续休闲,并参观安妮的小木屋。中午过后开去North Cape,开车走走乡村路,,并沿西边的海岸往下开到Charlottetown, 在城里参观。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND

Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
Charlottetown---North Cape: 2hrs
Charlottetown---summerside: 1hr


Day 10:
8:30 离开PEI,过世界上最长的跨海桥Confederation Bridge. 过桥后回MONTREAL大概晚上21:00到montreal.



1. 租车 11days
$390 Discount Car, Without protection.
2. 住宿
9 Nights: $60+$70+$22+$22+$22+$23+$70+$22+$22=$333
3. Whale watching
$25 x 2= $50
4. Food
带2箱快食面, 12罐八宝粥, 粤式腊肠5包. 火腿罐头5个,总共$80左右。在各个地方再买一些蔬菜: $4 x 10=$40, Total $80+$40=$120, 就基本上解决肚子问题. 另外带一个便携式的小煤气炉$22, 气罐$5/4罐(一罐能用2小时, 8罐就够用10天了.) , 晚上全部吃海鲜: $40 x 8天= $320
Total: $120+$32+$320= $ 472
5. National park Fee:
$25 x 2= $50
6. Confederation Bridge fee

7. Kayaking
$45 x 2 = $90
8. Gas
Gas: 5000Km = $300

Total: $ 1,720


************* HIKING TRAILS ***********

Cape Breton
1. Cap Rouge Geology Exposition - A great spot for taking pictures of the spectacular western coastline. Easy parking, turning area for buses.
2. Fishing Cove Roadside Lookoff - Excellent photo opportunities, exhibit, easy parking
3. MacKenzie Mountain Roadside Lookoffs - Three large pulloffs, with easy parking. Good location for taking pictures of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, exhibits, wheelchair accessible.
4. Bog Trail - A short boardwalk to orchids, pitcher plants (猪笼草/捕蝇草), 15 min. Wheelchair accessible, privy.
5. MacIntosh Brook - kitchen shelter with hot and cold water, electricity, and modern washrooms.
6. Aspy Valley Lookoffs - Roadside pulloffs on North Mountain, several with exhibits (especially good for fall foliage tours).
7. Green Cove - Short headland trail, great ocean view, boulders, bald eagles, and whales. 15 min. Stay off the rocks during high wind and waves.
8. Lakies Head Lookoff - A roadside viewpoint located close to the sea - you can feel the salt spray! Keep a watchful eye out for whales, fishing boats, bald eagles; exhibit.

7. Skyline
A dramatic headland cliff overlooks the rugged coast from the end of this level trail. You can enjoy an eagle’s view of the Cabot Trail as it winds its way down the mountain - vehicles look like toys. Watch for whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from the viewing decks. Moose, bald eagles, bears and numerous boreal birds live in this habitat. Be cautious with children around the cliffs and give moose a wide berth. The headland plants are very fragile and easily damaged by trampling, so stay on the boardwalk. Dogs are not permitted here as they disturb wildlife, especially moose and bear. This trail has recently undergone extensive work to protect the environment from the impact of thousands of hikers.
Trailhead: On the Cabot Trail on the top of French Mountain
Significant Feature: Headland cliff, ocean
Length: 8.7 km (5 miles) loop
Hiking Time: 2 - 3 hours
Elevation: 320 - 400 m (1050 - 1350 ft.)

8. Bog “e”

Keep your eyes open for carnivorous plants, cotton grass and bog orchids when you walk the Bog Trail.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / E. Wallace
In keeping with Parks Canada’s mandate to protect the natural environment, a boardwalk keeps your feet dry as you walk while preventing you from trampling the fragile life in this highland plateau bog. A self guiding trail, signs explain life here - pitcher plants, delicate orchids, colourful dragonflies, green frogs and gigantic moose. The trail as well as the privy at the trailhead are wheelchair accessible. Ideal for baby strollers.

Trailhead: On the Cabot Trail at the top of French Mountain
Significant Feature: Boreal -Taiga, highland bog
Length: 0.6 km (0.4 mile) loop.
Hiking Time: 20 minutes.
Elevation: 410 m (1350 ft.)

25. Middle Head “e”

This trail follows the headland that juts out into the Atlantic, cutting Ingonish Bay into two almost equal halves. Interpretative signs explain the human history of this area as well the flora and fauna. Notice how the hardy vegetation has adapted to this windswept environment: the stunted trees, the waxy leaves and plants like bayberry growing low to the ground to avoid the cutting winds. Lots of coastal views of both ocean bays as well as Cape Smokey. Gulls, cormorants, guillemots and other seabirds frequent the tip of this trail.
Trailhead: just beyond the Keltic Lodge
Significant Feature: Coastal headland and vegetation
Length: 4 km (2.5 miles) return
Hiking Time: 1.5 hours
Elevation: 15 m (50 ft.)

19. Green Cove “e”

Take a look at coastal vegetation and geology at Green Cove.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / 1983
This is a short “leg stretcher” trail but very interesting. From this rocky headland jutting out into the sea, you can watch the ocean crash against the rocks or catch a glimpse of whales offshore as fishermen tend to their lobster traps - daring to come so close to the rocks. Notice the twisted stunted trees - known as “krummholz” - and the leathery leaves of the bayberry. Plants here have adapted to this windy, salt -sprayed coastal environment.
Caution: Keep away from cliffs during high wind and waves.

Trailhead: Parking lot on the Cabot Trail
Significant Feature: Atlantic coastline, geology
Length: 0.4 km (0.25 mile) loop
Hiking Time: 15 - 20 minutes
Elevation: 15 m (50 ft.)

23. Franey

Enjoy the views afforded from the top of Franey Mountain.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / G. Briand
You climb up and up and your reward is at the top! Large flat rocks give you a nice place to sit and enjoy the views - you can look out over the open ocean from Cape Smokey in the east to Money Point in the north, with the Middle Head Peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic directly below. Gaze back at the mountains, the sheer rocky face of Franey Mountain, or the river winding through the valley, 425 m below. Keep an eye out for wildlife - moose like this habitat too.
Caution: Keep young children away from the steep cliffs.

Trailhead: Turn off the Cabot Trail just north of the Clyburn River and follow the fire access road for about a kilometre to a small parking lot.
Significant Feature: Transition from Acadian to boreal forest
Length: 6.4 km (4 miles) loop
Hiking Time: 3 - 4 hours
Elevation: 120 - 425 m (400 - 1400 ft.)


Woodlands 4.8 km Easy Starts near Dalvay entrace to the Park across from Dalvay Activity Centre

Reeds & Rushes 0.5 km Easy Starts just west of Dalvay, on the Gulf Shore parkway

2 km Easy Starts 2 km east of Stanhope, on the Gulf Shore Parkway

Bubbling Spings
2 km Easy Same Trail Head as Farmlands

Cavendish Dunelands
0.75 km Easy Starts at Cavendish Beach East

5.5 or 8 km Moderate Starts just at the entrance of Cavendish Campground

Haunted Wood*
1.6 km Easy GreenGables, Prince Edward Island National Park

Balsam Hollow*
1 km Easy GreenGables, Prince Edward Island National Park

4.5 km Easy Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park

Greenwich Dunes
4.5 km Moderate Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park

Havre Saint Pierre
1.25 km Easy Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-6 11:44 | 只看该作者
参考了大家的意见和几个刚从那边回来的朋友的意见, 把计划做了精简和修改, 终于做好了FINAL PLAN. 等回来后, 再说说这个PLAN的不足, 给大家一个参考.   :cool:


内置电气泵气床: $69, 驱蚊水: $9, COOLER $27, 汽车直/交流转换器 $35, 小型煤气炉+8个气罐 $36,方便面2箱$28, 腊肠6包$12, 八宝粥12罐$14, 午餐肉,烧烤汁等罐头$15,

帐篷, 睡袋, 帐篷挂灯, 4米电源线板(我们预定的CAMPSITE有电源), 驱蚊喷雾2瓶,防嗮油2瓶,芦荟胶一瓶,小药箱(蛇药,退热片,感冒药,黄连素, 易蒙停, 止血贴,伤口消毒水,消炎药,烫伤膏, 牛黄解毒丸….),小冰箱,烧烤叉2个,蜂蜜,烧烤酱,易燃木10块,打火机2个,旧报纸一叠, 毛毯一张,睡袋, DOBLE SIZE气床(带气泵),指南针,望远镜,瑞士军刀,雨布,轻便雨衣, 游泳装备, 小煤气炉, 洗碗布, 洗洁精, 方便面1箱, 蜡肠若干包, 八宝粥一箱, 罐头若干, 开罐头器, 开红酒器, 厨房剪刀, 煤气炉, 煤气, 锅, 一小包米, 油, 盐, 糖, 咖啡

1. 在PEI上有种三叶草(Poison Ivy)是有毒的,不能触摸。这种草一般比较低矮,在路边野草里,每三片叶子连在一起。触摸后会引起皮肤的红肿和奇痒,但不会有生命危险。

2. PEI的游泳时,不能游太开,离岸远的地方会有非常急的暗流会把人拖离海岸,如果被卷入暗流,必须与海岸平行的方向游,脱离了暗流后才可以往岸边游。

For Kayaking, Please bring:
sunglasses, lotion, hat, bathing suit, footwear.
if the weather is cool, a windbreaker and extra sweater
raingear and extra clothes, if necessary

现在PEI, NS日落时间20:360, 预计8月15号左右是20:30.
Day 1:
早上8:00 出发. 出发前打电话订旅馆,出发前订Peggy’s Cove的CAMPSITE,连住两天!
晚上23:00 到Nappan, 住MOTEL.

#1. $20 Spencer’sIsland campground, with washroom, shower, store., laundromat
#2. $18 Fundy Tides Campground, shower, washrooms, firepits
#3. $21 Cape ChignectoProvincial park campground Montréal---Advocate Harbour: 13hours, 1034.9 Km

Driving time:
Montreal---Springhill: 11 hrs, 13mins
Montreal---Maccan(Nappan): 11 hrs, 11mins

NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
• Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999
• Weather-1-506-658-2558
Nova Scotia Information and reservations: 1-800-565-0000
Day 2:
Cape D’OR白天在附近游玩. 走Ward Fall Hiking Trail。 下午14:00 前离开, 直奔Peggy’s Cove,17:00 到达Peggy’s Cove。 先扎帐篷, 然后再游玩, 并在Peggy’s cove看日落。 晚上住在Peggy Cove附近camping.
Teddy 做的CAMPSITE预定, 带电源的. $25

#1 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, whowers, fireplaces, ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25 (902)823-2547, 823-2271 , Reserved.

#2 Indian Harbour washrooms, showers, fireplace $16 (902)823-2582

订DAY 4 cape Breton, ingonish的CAMPSITE!!! 订好DAY 5 Pleasant Bay的motel 和 DAY 6 Whale seeing的票。
Driving time:
Cape D’or--- Peggy’s Cove: 3hrs , 261km
Cape D’OR---Liverpool: 4hrs , 353km
Day 3:

8:30 走灯塔之路.在Lunenburg,停留2小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩,各种颜色都有,非常漂亮. 如果风景不错, 一直开到Liverpool再回头。 中午左右出发去Halifax,游览Maritime Museum of Atlantic和Halifax Citadel National Historic Park. 晚上离开Halifax, 回到Peggy cove营地.。 晚上回Peggy’s Cove营地。

Halifax-Lunenburg: 1hr, 90km
Halifax---Liverpool: 1hr, 40mins, 150 km
Halifax---Peggy’s cove: 35mins

Day 4:
进入CAPE BRETON前准备好充足的引用水。
8:30离开,前往Cape Breton。订好DAY 6 的Cheticamp 的CAMPSITE!!!
15:30到达Breton Cape的Ingonish,先扎好帐篷,然后在附近hiking, 漫步沙滩,Kayak. 在information 取更详细的资料.
1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground, washroom, showers, kitchen, $20

#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70
#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast
#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55

Halifax----Ingonish: 6 hrs.
Whale seeing http://www.whaleandsealcruise.com/ $25 25% if take the 9:30 and 5pm one. PLEASANT BAY
Campsite reservation: 1-877-737-3783
From mainland Nova Scotia
If travelling from mainland Nova Scotia, across the Canso Causeway, you can either take Trans Canada Highway 105 to just outside Baddeck and follow the Cabot Trail north to Margaree Forks and Cheticamp, or follow Route 19 (the Ceilidh Trail) along the west coast of Cape Breton Island to Margaree Forks, then follow the Cabot Trail to Cheticamp. Driving time for either route is 2.5 hours.
As you travel through the Park, approximately every 30 kilometres there is a small town or village offering many services and amenities.
Information Centres Hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Day 5:

8:30出发,沿Cabot Trail慢慢的走,中途在山上HIKING。晚上住在Pleasant Bay的motel. Pleasant Bay 和 Cheticamp的SNOW CRAB很棒!订好DAY 7 wood island附近的motel.
1 http://www.cabottrail.com/MountainView/ $70

Ingonish--- Pleasant Bay: 50mins
Pleasant Bay ---- Cheticamp: 50 mins


Day 6:

早上8:00起来, 早上9:30的船看鲸鱼。大概11:30看完,继续走Carbot Trail。订好 DAY 8,9 Cavendish的CAMPSITE,连住2晚. 晚上住在Cheticamp附近.

1. http://capebretonisland.com/chetica...tel/contact.htm $45
http://cheticampns.com/cheticampoutfitters/ $50--$85

Ingonish----Cheticamp: 1hr, 30mins

Day 7:

早上继续在Carbot Trail附近游玩.
下午14:00 开车到Caribou坐渡轮,18:40到渡轮处, 坐19:30的船, 过渡大概1小时, 在渡船上可以吃晚餐。 20:30到达PEI的WOOD ISLAND。晚上在附近motel住.
From Borden-Carleton to Dalvay----
Follow Route #2 east, turn onto Route #25 through to Stanhope then onto Route #6 to the Dalvay entrance of Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Borden-Carleton to Cavendish
Follow the Trans-Canada Hwy to Route 1A through to Kensington, follow Route #6 through to Cavendish.
From Wood Islands to Brackley
Take Trans-Canada Highway through to Charlottetown follow Route #2 to Route #15 through too the Brackley entrance to Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Charlottetown to Greenwich
Take Route #2 east through the village of St. Peter's, then onto Route #313

Cheticamp---Caribou: 4 hours, 36 minutes

Ferry: (0800), 0930, 1115, 1245, 1445, 1615, 1800, 1930, 2100
PEI information centre: 1-888-734-7529

Entrance Kiosks Cavendish : 9:00 am - 7:00 pm


Day 8:

早上8:30 开车前往CAVENDISH, 扎好帐篷!在CAVENDISH 附近的NATIONAL PARK游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,Biking, 享受沙滩,海水。Brackley的水比较暖. 中午去RUSTICO的Fisherman Wharf吃龙虾大餐, 这里有很多的生耗和青口!!!岛上拥有3 条最令人慑服的开车旅游路线。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E Fully service, $22
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $26

Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
http://www.peikayak.ca/tours.html $48 halfday tour

Greenwich features three hiking trails varying in length from 1.25 km to 4.5 kms


Day 9:
8:30 停留在CAVENDISH,继续休闲,并参观安妮的小木屋。中午过后开去North Cape,开车走走乡村路,,并沿西边的海岸往下开到Charlottetown, 在城里参观。
1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/...eaderLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND

Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
Charlottetown---North Cape: 2hrs
Charlottetown---summerside: 1hr


Day 10:
8:30 离开PEI,过世界上最长的跨海桥Confederation Bridge. 过桥后回MONTREAL大概晚上21:00到montreal.



1. 租车 11days
$390 Discount Car, Without protection.
2. 住宿
9 Nights: $60+$70+$22+$22+$22+$23+$70+$22+$22=$333
3. Whale watching
$25 x 2= $50
4. Food
带2箱快食面, 12罐八宝粥, 粤式腊肠5包. 火腿罐头5个,总共$80左右。在各个地方再买一些蔬菜: $4 x 10=$40, Total $80+$40=$120, 就基本上解决肚子问题. 另外带一个便携式的小煤气炉$22, 气罐$5/4罐(一罐能用2小时, 8罐就够用10天了.) , 晚上全部吃海鲜: $40 x 8天= $320
Total: $120+$32+$320= $ 472
5. National park Fee:
$25 x 2= $50
6. Confederation Bridge fee

7. Kayaking
$45 x 2 = $90
8. Gas
Gas: 5000Km = $300

Total: $ 1,720


************* HIKING TRAILS ***********

Cape Breton
1. Cap Rouge Geology Exposition - A great spot for taking pictures of the spectacular western coastline. Easy parking, turning area for buses.
2. Fishing Cove Roadside Lookoff - Excellent photo opportunities, exhibit, easy parking
3. MacKenzie Mountain Roadside Lookoffs - Three large pulloffs, with easy parking. Good location for taking pictures of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, exhibits, wheelchair accessible.
4. Bog Trail - A short boardwalk to orchids, pitcher plants (猪笼草/捕蝇草), 15 min. Wheelchair accessible, privy.
5. MacIntosh Brook - kitchen shelter with hot and cold water, electricity, and modern washrooms.
6. Aspy Valley Lookoffs - Roadside pulloffs on North Mountain, several with exhibits (especially good for fall foliage tours).
7. Green Cove - Short headland trail, great ocean view, boulders, bald eagles, and whales. 15 min. Stay off the rocks during high wind and waves.
8. Lakies Head Lookoff - A roadside viewpoint located close to the sea - you can feel the salt spray! Keep a watchful eye out for whales, fishing boats, bald eagles; exhibit.

7. Skyline
A dramatic headland cliff overlooks the rugged coast from the end of this level trail. You can enjoy an eagle’s view of the Cabot Trail as it winds its way down the mountain - vehicles look like toys. Watch for whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from the viewing decks. Moose, bald eagles, bears and numerous boreal birds live in this habitat. Be cautious with children around the cliffs and give moose a wide berth. The headland plants are very fragile and easily damaged by trampling, so stay on the boardwalk. Dogs are not permitted here as they disturb wildlife, especially moose and bear. This trail has recently undergone extensive work to protect the environment from the impact of thousands of hikers.
Trailhead: On the Cabot Trail on the top of French Mountain
Significant Feature: Headland cliff, ocean
Length: 8.7 km (5 miles) loop
Hiking Time: 2 - 3 hours
Elevation: 320 - 400 m (1050 - 1350 ft.)

8. Bog “e”

Keep your eyes open for carnivorous plants, cotton grass and bog orchids when you walk the Bog Trail.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / E. Wallace
In keeping with Parks Canada’s mandate to protect the natural environment, a boardwalk keeps your feet dry as you walk while preventing you from trampling the fragile life in this highland plateau bog. A self guiding trail, signs explain life here - pitcher plants, delicate orchids, colourful dragonflies, green frogs and gigantic moose. The trail as well as the privy at the trailhead are wheelchair accessible. Ideal for baby strollers.

Trailhead: On the Cabot Trail at the top of French Mountain
Significant Feature: Boreal -Taiga, highland bog
Length: 0.6 km (0.4 mile) loop.
Hiking Time: 20 minutes.
Elevation: 410 m (1350 ft.)

25. Middle Head “e”

This trail follows the headland that juts out into the Atlantic, cutting Ingonish Bay into two almost equal halves. Interpretative signs explain the human history of this area as well the flora and fauna. Notice how the hardy vegetation has adapted to this windswept environment: the stunted trees, the waxy leaves and plants like bayberry growing low to the ground to avoid the cutting winds. Lots of coastal views of both ocean bays as well as Cape Smokey. Gulls, cormorants, guillemots and other seabirds frequent the tip of this trail.
Trailhead: just beyond the Keltic Lodge
Significant Feature: Coastal headland and vegetation
Length: 4 km (2.5 miles) return
Hiking Time: 1.5 hours
Elevation: 15 m (50 ft.)

19. Green Cove “e”

Take a look at coastal vegetation and geology at Green Cove.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / 1983
This is a short “leg stretcher” trail but very interesting. From this rocky headland jutting out into the sea, you can watch the ocean crash against the rocks or catch a glimpse of whales offshore as fishermen tend to their lobster traps - daring to come so close to the rocks. Notice the twisted stunted trees - known as “krummholz” - and the leathery leaves of the bayberry. Plants here have adapted to this windy, salt -sprayed coastal environment.
Caution: Keep away from cliffs during high wind and waves.

Trailhead: Parking lot on the Cabot Trail
Significant Feature: Atlantic coastline, geology
Length: 0.4 km (0.25 mile) loop
Hiking Time: 15 - 20 minutes
Elevation: 15 m (50 ft.)

23. Franey

Enjoy the views afforded from the top of Franey Mountain.
&copy; Cape Breton Highlands National Park / G. Briand
You climb up and up and your reward is at the top! Large flat rocks give you a nice place to sit and enjoy the views - you can look out over the open ocean from Cape Smokey in the east to Money Point in the north, with the Middle Head Peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic directly below. Gaze back at the mountains, the sheer rocky face of Franey Mountain, or the river winding through the valley, 425 m below. Keep an eye out for wildlife - moose like this habitat too.
Caution: Keep young children away from the steep cliffs.

Trailhead: Turn off the Cabot Trail just north of the Clyburn River and follow the fire access road for about a kilometre to a small parking lot.
Significant Feature: Transition from Acadian to boreal forest
Length: 6.4 km (4 miles) loop
Hiking Time: 3 - 4 hours
Elevation: 120 - 425 m (400 - 1400 ft.)


Woodlands 4.8 km Easy Starts near Dalvay entrace to the Park across from Dalvay Activity Centre

Reeds & Rushes 0.5 km Easy Starts just west of Dalvay, on the Gulf Shore parkway

2 km Easy Starts 2 km east of Stanhope, on the Gulf Shore Parkway

Bubbling Spings
2 km Easy Same Trail Head as Farmlands

Cavendish Dunelands
0.75 km Easy Starts at Cavendish Beach East

5.5 or 8 km Moderate Starts just at the entrance of Cavendish Campground

Haunted Wood*
1.6 km Easy GreenGables, Prince Edward Island National Park

Balsam Hollow*
1 km Easy GreenGables, Prince Edward Island National Park

4.5 km Easy Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park

Greenwich Dunes
4.5 km Moderate Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park

Havre Saint Pierre
1.25 km Easy Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-8-11 23:08 | 只看该作者




上STATISTIC上到我头晕ing ....
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发表于 2004-8-15 02:49 | 只看该作者
好生羡慕...............  旅途愉快................
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-1 19:42 | 只看该作者

回来喽!!!   回来好几天了, 因为忙, 也没时间上来了.  这次我们去了10天, 基本按照原定的路线走. 途中除了看到好的风景外, 还有其他的特别的遭遇.    在PEGGY'S COVE的那天, 因为有暴雨, 而且会持续一天, 所以我们没有游灯塔之路, 幸运的是还是看到了雾中的PEGGY'S COVE. 本来这天应该是扫兴的一天, 但却有意想不到的事情发生了. 我们在PEGGY'S COVE附近的一个渔港买龙虾的时候, 遇到了一对HALIFAX来的夫妇, 他们在PEGGY'S COVE附近有一个度假的房子, 他们邀请我们去他们家一起吃龙虾. 当时买的龙虾很新鲜, 活崩乱跳的, 吃着也很棒!! 我们在这对夫妇的度假屋里和他们共进午餐---每人一只大龙虾, 一只大概1.7磅左右.  午餐吃得很开心, 聊得很开心, 我们大家成了朋友.  后来我们在他们介绍下, 去了CAPE BRETON东边的LUOISBURG, 那里是以前法国殖民加拿大时的首都. 非常漂亮的古堡, 保留得很好的文化, 有时间我会把照片放上来. 在去LOUISBURG的途中, 我们住进了一家很漂亮的MOTEL. 这里, 又发生了另一个故事. 我和MOTEL经理定了房后, 和他闲聊了一下. 我跟他说我在渡蜜月, 他听了马上给我换了间房, 那间房是已经有人预定了的. 然后他对我说"祝你渡过一个愉快的夜晚." 我们又聊了几句, 他突然对我说"你的衣服很好看, 离开的时候能不能留下来给我呢?" 我想了一下, 说这件是我们的情侣装, 我不能给你, 不过我回MONTREAL后另外寄一件给你. 他听了后很高兴, 马上给我换了另外一间房间. 原来这个房间是在小山坡上独立的一栋漂亮的小楼里, 房间里有一个卧室, 一个厅, 两个洗手间, 其中卧室的洗手间真是豪华. 门外还有一个小阳台.  后来才知道这个经理原来是MOTEL的老板, 他设计和造了这套MOTEL后, 卖了给别人, 然后每个周末还会回来这里帮忙.  而他自己还另外拥有几家的GIFT SHOP的附近.  我和他就这样交了朋友, 回到MONTREAL后他还打电话给我问我旅途是否愉快.
说说吃的, 我们在CHATICAMP的码头上$10买了4只活的雪蟹(Snow Crab), 吃了两天... 整个旅程我们吃了10只龙虾, NOVA SCOTIA的龙虾和青口(mussel)最好!  吃了4个Mc Lobster(龙虾汉堡). 还有很多的青口, 生耗.....  
我的生活: [url=\"http://wellsxu99.spaces.live.com/\"]http://wellsxu99.spaces.live.com/ :)[/url]
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