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发表于 2006-12-19 21:40 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-19 21:48 | 只看该作者
我猜'去你妈的'是个小镇愤青, 后来去了首都感受到了首都人民对他无情的鄙视, 可能是听多了人对他说qnmd于是就BT了, 总以为自己也是北京人, 抱着一个'Y' 字不撒手, 还自己起了一个qnmd这样的名字...

咳, 谁也不容易啊....

我说不要猜了, 5块钱合人民币35呢, 没工作的人拿出来多心疼啊. 而且5块钱能买好多报纸呢, 盖身上多暖和啊.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-19 22:59 | 只看该作者
看起来什么样的出身就什么样的理解水平啊!发廊出身的XX女就能把NOT IN DEAR QUALIFYING MOUTH 的缩写楞是理解成“去你妈的”,是不是以前有人。。。之后没给你Y钱,你Y就说“去你妈的”,然后就从小镇发廊转移到上海发廊再到蒙城发廊,原来我还高看了你Y的,鸭性!呜呼哎哉!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-19 23:07 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-19 23:13 | 只看该作者
虽然我不喜欢以钱来评论一切的生活方式,但也没必要侮辱人啊。人总是有需要被关注的需要,尤其是一些中国环境下长大的人,靠着别人的肯定来生活习惯了,自 己觉 得成功了,得不到别人的肯定,肯定是要不断的向别人推销自己的生活方式来获得一些肯定的,其实也很正常,选择自己喜欢的生活方式好了,不知道你们为什么要 吵架。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-19 23:59 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 07:35 | 只看该作者
卖弄英文都能让你买弄出中文脏话来, 首都还真是个锻炼人的好地方啊
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 15:17 | 只看该作者
可打电话给我, 我住在Brossard, 而且正在卖自家房子.电话:450-672-9310
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 16:39 | 只看该作者

Sth to say

Actually, it is meaningless to discuss "hometown" here, we came from China, and our hometowns are there,

We came here for a better life. Withour money, we can't make this dream come true. So, first, settle down, secondly, fit yourself, third, make your life better.

All are my personal opinion, I am a frank and realistic guy, only want to provide some information, don't want to share arguments with others, like it, go ahead, if not, ignore it. Sorry, I don't have Chinese on the machine I am using.

I still remember, 6 years ago, after 4 weeks COFI class, I told my teacher I got a job, a professional job. Teacher hold my shoulder, said in English, "now you are like me, pay tax". See, paying tax in North America is sth to be proud of, that's the basic for the sociey to maintain, to develop. Also, giving rather than taking, I think, is human being 's personality.

After 5 years in Montreal, I moved to Calgary, in short, follow the money.

Generally, in the company, there are two kinds of employee, one is stuff, the other is contractor. Stuff earn money by year with benefits, contractor by hours, nothing else. Usually, contractor earn 25%- 30% more than stuff for same level. Because of the hot market in Calgary, this difference could be doubled, and most of the senior guys like to do contractors, more money and at this situation, don't worry about work.

Not all work could get remarkble salary in Calgary, as I know ( I am in oil industry for a couple of years) only salary for process, pipers, instrumentation and piping stress was promoted by 50% for the last several years. For senior pipers(run 3D model), contractors, $70-$100/ hour, very few earn more than this number for now, In Montreal, $40-70, SNC Montreal boosted salary by 10% three month ago since it is hard to keep qualified people. In addition to the difference on salary, overtime(work more hours) is another important factor, some companies here allow no limit overtime, some people works 60-70 hours per week, you can easily calculate how big the difference is.

In my personal feeling, Montreal is a good place to study(I failed getting in any University there) and live, if you have money and want to enjoy the life, stay there. But talking about work, earn more money, pay less tax, no French, Montreal is not a good place. That is why so many people left Montreal, we had a party for Montrealers two weeks ago, you can see a lot of faces, new or old. Only at the floor I working on, 9 people came from Montreal. It is just one unit in one project, more than 50 units in that project(2/3 will be done outside of Calgary), in this company, 3-4 projects, in Calgary, there are at least 5 companies like this size.

I would also say, money is not the most important thing in our life, but, it is very hard to figure out without money, how you enjoy your life. And also, when you have a chance earn money and wouldn't ruin your life too much, why not?

I didnot say Calgary is good place to move in for everybody (actually no such a place in the world, even have one, I am sure it wouldn't be any more soon), for now, for people with experience, it is, tomorrow, where? who knows, who cares?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-20 21:54 | 只看该作者
坦率的说,我不喜欢2005的谈论. 大概看了一下他的贴子, 总在有意无意炫耀自己在逆境里的"自强不息"和成功后的得意, 通篇不实之词很多, 有用的信息却不多.
他如果真的想和别人分享他的经历, 为啥不大大方方说出自己的行业甚至公司, 介绍一下自己行业的需求, 专业上应该努力的方向? 尤其可笑的是, 他建议某人学两种training,说可以在石油公司找到工作. 明眼人一看就知道他对石油工业没有多少了解, 这样的建议有多少价值?
我只是就事论事, 没有去Calgary的打算.
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使用道具 举报

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