go to www.ufile.ca free calculate. you will know most details.
I still remember something as I did by hand few years ago, just f.y.i.
single man case:
50k-9k=41k, no medical cost, only tuition fee
41k- 8k (or 9k as deductible)=33k
33k - 13k (tuition fee, e.g. last 2 years) =20 k (net income)
Fed tax: about 20k* 16% (lower than 32K)=3,200
Que tax: about 20k+ 4k( insurance, quebec medical etc.)
then 24k*20% =4,800 - 1,600(Fed credit for Que.)= 3,200
So, you will pay tax 6,400 $, but your payroll has deducted 10K more already,
then you will get refunds.
For wife no income case:
You will have about 10k deductible as tuition fee, net income goes down |