Post by 用心体会
本来只想安安静静地发个帖子,希望能有一个好运气,没有想到还是引起大家的一些关注,我相信sophie007的建议还有xindy的kidding ,包括christmas111和前面几位的网友的回帖都是友善的,这些都是我应该感谢的。
xindy能那样仔细看我的文字,随意kidding一下就拿出了七点推理,她应该是一个很细心的人,有着很好的想象力(如果我也稍加运用想象力,她应该是一个smart and romantic girl;) )。她的推理也是比较合理的,尽管最后得出的结论未必都是成立。既然christmas111提醒我inform your potential candidates the "not the case" ones,那我就简单列举一二。
我是divorced 却不 have a child,我帖子里说希望她对小孩友善而有耐心,只是说她对小孩的态度和爱心问题,并非特指我就有小孩,希望她能接受,相反,如果她有小孩,我也应该对她的孩子友善而有耐心。
至于you encounter some difficulties....( don't expect too much from you),这句话我不是特别理解,我相信大家移民来到一个新的国度,很多人都要重新开始,都会遇到各种各样的一些困难,工作的、家庭的、情感的。所以,她的这句话如果特定用来说我也就没有什么特别的意义。其实,我目前也真的遇到了一个单身的困难,所以才在这里发帖,这很明显。另外,每个人都有每个人的专长和优点,我相信xindy并不了解我的过去、现在及未来的计划,所以don't expect too much from you,就更让我困惑不解。
至于you always make mistakes and don't want others to blame you.我相信人人都会犯错,都有出错的时候,而当一个人有错的时候,没有人会期待着别人的blame。而一个人是否“always”犯错,这其实牵涉到两个方面的问题。(1)他/她是否真的always make mistakes,(2)别人是否认为他/她always make mistakes,而这里面就有四种组合。犯错,不论是自己犯错还是对方犯错,如何认识和处理犯错,其实是家庭生活中的一个重要方面,即使在恋爱和一般人际交往中也有这样的问题,人的经历阅历不同,对这个问题的认识和处理就不一样。
至于其它的几点reasoning,就不一一评论了。我原先的标题可能会造成一些误解,我细想了一下,还是修改了,这里就不多写。如果真想了解一个人,还是需要花点时间、耐性去沟通了解,除非你有着丰富的阅历和极强的判断力。希望我的这个回帖是和大家的一个communication for some mutual understanding,而不是被理解成should listen and follow your "correct " instructions。
我没有想到在这里发帖或回帖,还有一个equally entertaining responsibility,谢谢christmas111的建议和提醒,我尽力吧;) 最后,再次谢谢几位。
there are over 3,000,000,000 women in this world. have you realized that if you didnt have one, you might need something other than luck?
no i did not mean it was your responsibility to be "equally entertaining". the message i was trying to deliver was "women like men who are entertaining". in fact, all the female animals do. You ever saw male peacocks showing their plumage to females? U think that’s for fun? No, man, that’s to get laid.
that being said, u got a chance (actually you still have numerous chances) to show your quick wit and humor when you countered the "kidding", yet honestly what you said was lengthy and pointless and so on and on... All in all, your words looked like excerpts from a typically boring love book full of BS. shouldn't you tell people something special about you or appear to be attractive, when your very purpose was to attract women who never saw you to move their lazy asses in the winter coldness to meet you in one way or another? it was really an eye-opening experience to see you say
"hey, these are the qualifications of the women i want, now women pls come to me. please, please...please...em...what da fork is wrong with my luck?"
I was only kidding to ask you to tell people the “not the case ones”… the simple fact here is: no one is interested in the fact if you have kids or not if they are not interested in you in the first place.<o></o>
<o></o>Like a wise woman (I assume?) mentioned above: show women you care for them and let them know you are smart, and they might decide to stop calling some men “stupid stupid” and may one day come to you.